Game cache?

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Re: Game cache?
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2009, 22:32:33 »
I doubt finishing the mask will make a difference.  Inspecting your screenshots, I'd definitely say you made the mask right, and adding a few white areas on the right shouldn't make a difference.

The problem sure does seem to be the tileset.  Could you please upload the actual file for the tileset you made so we can see your transparency?

As for right now, I'm stumped.  I was about to suggest that maybe the problem is that you have some completely clear tiles (since that doesn't work in KS), but then I tested putting completely clear tiles in my game and it still worked fine.
(Come to think of it, the clear tile error in KS is probably by design, anyways; just there to protect us from accidentally using them in our levels)

EDIT:  By the way, your tileset is working for me (not looking corrupt), but everything is rock solid as you said; the stuff that should be in the background is solid, despite a seemingly fine mask.

I've attached my version of your tileset.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 23:30:05 by Exp HP »
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Re: Game cache?
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2009, 04:12:22 »
I haven't checked the file since I don't have photoshop at this PC, but I think the problem is that the mask is saved as a 32-bit png, which stores an alpha channel despite that all pixels are fully opaque. The game will then ignore the magenta and instead consider fully transparent pixels non-collidable.

You need to discard the alpha channel and save it as a 24-bit png file. If you use Photoshop, open your image. In case the name of the layer becomes "Layer 1", it's saved incorrectly. Flatten the image, this should convert it into a background layer that does not support an alpha channel. Now save your file, and it should become a 24-bit png instead of a 32-bit.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2009, 04:17:47 by Nifflas »


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Re: Game cache?
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2009, 04:50:08 »
Thanks! ill try that!

Edit: Can i be the first to call nifflas a genius?!
Thanks Nifflas!! Now it works! and it also fixed the original problem that i was trying to fix in the first place!  XD
I played it and the game had perfect controls C)p
also the background bits were transparent! WOOT!
it makes it so much easier!
« Last Edit: December 24, 2009, 05:06:57 by smeagle »


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Re: Game cache?
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2009, 10:21:27 »
I haven't checked the file since I don't have photoshop at this PC, but I think the problem is that the mask is saved as a 32-bit png, which stores an alpha channel despite that all pixels are fully opaque. The game will then ignore the magenta and instead consider fully transparent pixels non-collidable.

You need to discard the alpha channel and save it as a 24-bit png file. If you use Photoshop, open your image. In case the name of the layer becomes "Layer 1", it's saved incorrectly. Flatten the image, this should convert it into a background layer that does not support an alpha channel. Now save your file, and it should become a 24-bit png instead of a 32-bit.

I'm glad to see that Nifflas is willing to spend time helping us getting this editing thing running.  :D


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Re: Game cache?
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2009, 18:46:25 »
Yeah, I only said it's completely unsupported so people don't expect that this is something I officially support. I'll try to be helpful though!


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Re: Game cache?
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2009, 07:07:48 »
I had noticed that Saira accepted both Magenta and Transparent as non-solid mask tiles, but I didn't realize the two were mutually exclusive (as in, if a mask can use transparent, it can't use magenta).  Thanks for clearing this up!  Now I know not to make the same mistake in my own levels.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2009, 07:10:58 by Exp HP »
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