If we want to adress the issue, then its not by altering the index page of the forum. I understand that it might not be conform design specs, but it wasn't ment to be there in the first place. We simply added it as a bonus. The main site offers all the downloads and people should look there in the first place too. True, many people google and end up on the forum rather than the main page, but there isn't much I can do about that. The mainpage could not be that clear, but I can't do much about that either.
The links are there however and its quite easy to find on a page that doesn't offer that many choices. You click the tab links and it gives you the link you need. All the links on the index page of this forum point to files on the page that is being refereed to from the links page on the main site.
Really, this is just a bonus. If you can't agree with the fact that the index page has links presented like this, then we could ofcource choose to remove this, but why would we want to remove something that is handy once you know how it works?
You now know that it works like that, and even if you mistakenly would've clicked it (which you obivously didn't do either, or you would've known) you would have been presented with a "Do you want to open or save the download?" question. You could have cancelled that and then thought: hey, this is handy!
Really, enough has been said by various people about this subject. I can understand that it might not be the most straight forwarded thing to have there, but as its just a bonus and not a dependency, I am not going to change it.