This topic is cute. 
Beomene, how do you even know Nifflas was sad or disappointed? It's definitely nice to care, but I think you were jumping to conclusions because of how certain comments made YOU feel (even though there are more positive than negative, which has been stated already).
Anyway, not trying to put a damper on things here, I agree with what everyone has said. If Nifflas was ever feeling down, I bet he isn't now!
I'm not gonna go into details,
but I spoke to him on the phone.
I'm kind of a phone-psychic, y'know, I hear what you say as well as what you're not saying simultaneously.
*concieted smile*
Maybe we can give you a Saira-
directors cut DVD where I tell each excruciating detail,
whilst Nifflas in a polite way claim I exaggerate,
but for now, I'm gonna be a bit mysterious and enigmatic and so forth...
We will meet tomorrow, signing papers and stuff.
I will amass all my empathy, which will propably make my eyes glow an eerie yellow, and peer at him whenever he is not looking, to try to delve into his mind without him noticing.
And if he notices, well, fail... But at least I will know how he's feeling.
And thanks for the congratulations Heartskuppy...!