I just thought I'd drop a little update to everyone since I haven't spoken much about the level.
I'm trying to keep everything relatively secret... even to the point of finding a special way of communicating with my team members...
I have been working rather efficiently in reference to the goals I set to myself... I don't always get a large amount, but I generally leave my daily goal somewhat lax so that my BSoaKFF work can fluctuate around my sometimes busy and time consuming schedule.
Plus, any support from the team seems to help motivate me, and I'm sure you, as a user, can help motivate me a little yourself. Dropping me a line and showing your interest, or just keeping a general buzz about BSoaKFF really helps support my determination... so in a sense, everyone can help get BSoaKFF done faster by keeping my spirits up.
BSoaKFF's future is looking brighter than ever... and it's always shined.