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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2085 on: August 10, 2014, 10:48:52 »
Granted. You enjoy Dark Heresy more than you did, but only just enough for you to notice it.

I wish I had an ethical, reliable, essentially-costless way to reward and encourage the creators of creative works I like.

Pursuant to the Jack's comment:
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)
I've never meta pun I didn't like.

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2086 on: August 11, 2014, 13:48:40 »
And Patreon isn't an option becaaaaaaause...?

Granted, but because it's essentially costless, it has no way of actually getting the rewards and/or methods of encouragement. It fails horribly.

I wish Mountain Dew was more commonplace in European countries.


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2087 on: August 11, 2014, 16:56:10 »
Granted, all of the mountains across Europe are covered in dew.

I wish I lived in Europe.
Thanks for the stars, everyone!


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2088 on: August 11, 2014, 18:29:23 »
You live in my cellar.

I wish I wasn't having to wait on hold as I attempted to phone my GP while typing this.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 18:30:54 by Talps »

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2089 on: August 11, 2014, 21:50:20 »
Granted. Your GP's phone system is no longer connected due to damage to a cable. have fun getting an appointment!

I wish my job were more interesting.

Regarding StraightFlame's post:

Firstly, Patreon only works if the person in question has a Patreon account and I have a load of money to blow.

Secondly, I'm not sure that's a proper corruption. I wished for a way to reward people and you essentially said that it doesn't work, which means that it isn't a way to reward people as nobody actually gets rewarded.

I'm having difficulty coming up with a good corruption. I considered having the reward system stop working after a few uses, but that's boring and has been done before. I considered having them be encouraged to work on projects I don't like, but that depends on how you interpret "projects I like". I considered having them worry about stalkers due to mysterious gifts appearing in their houses, but that doesn't reward and encourage them.

My current best idea is that my gifts have to encourage them to keep working on creative projects I like, so (as I realise immediately after making my wish) I can't reward anyone with magically generated instructions for making room-temperature superconductors and cures for aging. I never forgive myself for my stupidity.

Does anyone else have a good idea?
I've never meta pun I didn't like.

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2090 on: August 12, 2014, 00:40:14 »
Regarding StraightFlame's post:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse molestie ligula eu diam rhoncus, ut varius elit fringilla. Ut eget facilisis neque. Mauris vel gravida elit. Aenean sit amet dui felis. Aenean sit amet egestas dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris ut erat ut mauris imperdiet tincidunt et varius justo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam ultrices porttitor dolor non iaculis. Ut bibendum luctus quam sed suscipit. Integer eget rutrum purus.
I can't perfectly recall, but my idea was something like the organization/machine/Tablecat/whatever would initially have enough money for around a week or something of rewards, and then file bankruptcy/malfunction/speak in haikus rather than limericks/whatever immediately afterwards. I definitely could've specified a bit more.

Granted. Your job's interesting to people who watch you do it. To you, as you have first-hand experience on what you actually do, it's... well, "it doesn't live up to the hype" would be an understatement. Your job is now, for whatever reason, the most excruciating thing in existence. Your boss simply uses some form of illusion and/or delusion magic to make it interesting to potential new employees. Illusion/delusion magic actually exists, by the way.

I wish bringing up gender equality in a lighthearted way (i.e. as part of a forum game) wouldn't spawn a side discussion like it did. I get that feminism is top lel srs bzn on the internet, but, erm...


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2091 on: August 12, 2014, 00:44:44 »
Granted, but The Jack explodes from the suppressed urge to argue with people who weren't actually disagreeing with... (her?)... and now you have that on your conscience.

I wish train times were more conveniently aligned with my work hours and the time it takes to walk between work and the train station.


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2092 on: August 12, 2014, 03:10:04 »
Granted. The train you take to and from work is now scheduled to leave within a comfortable 5-10 minute window from the time it takes you to walk between the station and your workplace. Unfortunately, the trains themselves have been allowed to fall into such a state of disrepair that they break down between almost every station along their route... and railway workers are so fed up with having to deal with both poorly-maintained equipment and irate passengers that they go on strike. The strike lasts for months, and getting all the trains in proper working order again takes even longer. By then you've had to purchase a smelly, expensive and dangerous private vehicle in order to keep your job.

I wish everyone understood that just because something seems innocently humorous to them, does not mean it can't be hurtful to someone else... and that when someone's feelings are hurt, it is rarely (if ever) their fault for being "oversensitive."

The Jack explodes from the suppressed urge to argue
OMG, you have no idea.  XD :oops: I do volunteer work as a community advocate in part because I need a semi-regular outlet for my pent-up righteous indignation.

disagreeing with... (her?)... and now

Nope. Not he, not she, not her, not him. (Reasonable guess though, no points deducted. ;)) They/their/them is fine, ze/zir/zir is fine, most other ways of constructing a gender-non-specific third-person-singular pronoun (that works in English, per forum rules, hoewel ik begrijp wel 't nederlands, y entiendo un poquito de español) are also fine. Or you can just use my name: the Jack, the Jack's, the Jack.

As an aside, I just want to apologise if I did offend you. I got a bit frustrated with this kicking off in my thread which put me in a bad mood about it, so sorry if in my slightly short temper I caused offense. Not my intention, and I apologise.
You haven't said anything that offended me, Talps. But I appreciate your caution and thoughtfulness! I hope I haven't offended you (or anyone else involved in or following this discussion), either, as that certainly hasn't been my intent, either.

We're all friends here, right?
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 11:37:58 by the Jack »

Actually, it's eggplant.


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2093 on: August 12, 2014, 10:49:08 »
As an aside, I just want to apologise if I did offend you. I got a bit frustrated with this kicking off in my thread which put me in a bad mood about it, so sorry if in my slightly short temper I caused offense. Not my intention, and I apologise.

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2094 on: August 12, 2014, 13:24:40 »
Trigger warnings: Wish corruption, making fun of trigger warnings, joke about (a) certain topic(s) one may regard as top lel srs bzn, use of the phrase "top lel srs bzn" as a derogatory term for a serious issue, off-topic side discussion (though limited to one or two sentences), wish regarding a video game item that is probably unheard of on this forum, use of the [hr] tag, writing single words in italics for the sake of emphasis, use of the word "granted", use of the word "watermelon", use of the letter e, text, a ridiculous amount of trigger warnings, trigger warnings in general, seriously guys you will be triggered, especially the Jack i would assume, non-serious implications that a certain forum member is more susceptible to being triggered than others, grotesque depictions of violent deaths

Granted, but now every single piece of text has at least a dozen trigger warnings. Every. Single. One.

I wish the item "Erratio" in Wynncraft had at least some merit to deserve the Legendary tag. (It has the same defense as a Flawless Chain Chestplate except its minimum level is two levels lower. The Unique or Rare tags would be more fitting.)

Nope. Not he, not she, not her, not him.
How the watermelon does that work?


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2095 on: August 12, 2014, 13:40:23 »
Trigger warnings: Wish corruption, making fun of trigger warnings, joke about (a) certain topic(s) one may regard as top lel srs bzn, use of the phrase "top lel srs bzn" as a derogatory term for a serious issue, off-topic side discussion (though limited to one or two sentences), wish corruption regarding a video game item that is probably unheard of on this forum, use of the [hr] tag, supposition regarding watermelons, reiteration of questions including the word "watermelon", use of the letter 'G', continuing questionably funny jokes from previous wish corruption, defamation of jokes from previous wish corruption, scenes which may be disturbing to young children and those of a nervous disposition, scenes of my lunch.

[/quote]How the watermelon does that work?
I think not he, not she chooses to identify not himself, not herself by not his, not her mental and emotional identity rater than not his, not her physical identity. But this is supposition and may be incorrect (though in this case I may feel a need to reiterate the question about watermelons).

Granted! The item is now required to wynn the game. You cannot wynn the game unless you have that item, thereby rendering it legendary. It is also now a random drop from elite monsters with a 1/10,000 chance of dropping.
(Having never played or heard of or researched that game, how did I do?)

I wish my lunch contained more chorizo!
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 13:43:07 by Talps »


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2096 on: August 12, 2014, 14:34:13 »
Granted! Your lunch now consists entirely of chorizo. In fact, all food is now chorizo.

I wish there was a friendly, delicious, affordable Korean restaurant in my city that delivered.

Trigger warnings: continuing a joke at least two posts too far, beating a dead watermelon, pedantry

How the watermelon does that work?

Also, there are 3 Ss in srs bzns;)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 14:36:35 by the Jack »

Actually, it's eggplant.

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2097 on: August 12, 2014, 15:12:17 »
(Having never played or heard of or researched that game, how did I do?)
That's actually pretty good, despite the fact that i own 2 Erratios and have been meaning to sell one. It's also fairly believable, as the game pretty much already does it like there's no tomorrow and even throws a massive curveball: The pre-endgame quest makes you collect 6 very rare drops that are made to seem worthless (two of which are from two kinds of equally rare level 1 enemies of which there can only be one on the server at any given moment) so you'll have thrown them out a myriad times when you were level 5 because "who needs a spear with 0 attack damage?"

Granted. The restaurant itself is friendly, delicious, and affordable. The staff and food (respectively), however, are not.

I wish Tabletop Simulator didn't have the option to flip the table.


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2098 on: August 12, 2014, 19:19:26 »
Granted, it has the option to flip the chair instead.

I wish I was in the theatre.
Finished levels:
(my first try)

“Oh heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains.” ~ Khalil Gibran


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #2099 on: August 12, 2014, 22:03:16 »
Granted! From now on, the phrase "the theatre" will only be spelled and pronounced "thCeWtohlevaitere" -- a change which will be widely blamed for the precipitous drop in the popularity of stage plays and other not-for-broadcast acting.

I wish I knew what happened to that package of burger buns we purchased last week and that somehow seems to have disappeared from our home.

Actually, it's eggplant.