Oh no, please don't abandon it!
Ideas... let's see... Well, seeing how you seem to be a music lover, how about a music shop where Juni has to run around between giant guitars and other instruments? (You could solve that mostly with a gradient consisting of a photo of these instruments, you wouldn't even need a tileset for that, or a very stripped-down tileset at the most.) Or you could have her play music on a piano keyboard (making each key one tile wide and putting shifts on each one which teleport her to a copy of the screen with the respective key pressed down and the respective note playing - you'd have to put a lot of tracks which are only one note long into your music folder, but that shouldn't be a problem, should it?). Maybe you could even put a Guitar Hero section in, who knows?
(Although I wouldn't know how to do that...) You could also let her flip through a CD/record collection and decide what to play on a jukebox or something like that (also very shift-heavy, but you would copy and paste screens most of the time; the only problem there could be your choice of music since chances are that the songs you first think of are copyrighted).
Another idea - you could let her watch TV and suddenly get zapped into the show she is watching - there, too, you couldn't use a popular show as it is. You'd have to alter it a little so it becomes something different and still remains recognisable. Or you could just very generally go with one genre of film she is watching - a western might be appropriate for the Cydonia section, for example. This might also be an interesting concept for a frame story, if you haven't got one already.
Sorry if these ideas appear a little strange, but I can't think straight right now, and this is the best I've come up with after a little brainstorming
Edit: Or how about a spider web on layer 3 (in an attic maybe)? I can't recall this having been done before, and conveniently, we already have a full-blown spider in the data folder