KS Level Competition

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Offline sergiocornaga

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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #450 on: November 13, 2010, 12:46:44 »
University is over, and so begins the mad rush to complete a level! How long have I got?


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #451 on: November 13, 2010, 15:19:32 »
Even though I am unable to take part in this round, there is only ONE day left to get levels in.  It'll be brutally tough, but I don't think it'll be impossible.
http://nesgamer7190.deviantart.com/ (My DeviantArt Account.  Behold my not too good artistics.)
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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #452 on: November 14, 2010, 06:38:52 »
Dangit, there goes my five-point-lame-ass-ending bonus :(

hmm yes too bad, i even liked the trumpets...

i will give you full communal points instead!


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #453 on: November 14, 2010, 14:10:23 »
I'm exhausted, but I'm making good progress! Hopefully nobody minds if I go by Samoan time, meaning I have about 20 more hours to get this thing done. :sick:

Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #454 on: November 15, 2010, 13:45:17 »
RIGHT i am scoring all the entries now except sergio.  If my maths is wrong, just yell at me


1. shift  0 / 10 – not implemented
2. umbrella  3/5 points – it was used but didn't have to think about it at all
3. enemy/traps 1/10  - lava counts but it's easily avoided
4. gratuitous advertisements: 0/7
5. banner of superiority: 0/3
6. humorous storyline or dialogue: 0/5 points
7. broken or buggy game: 1/5  since there is a random savepoint in the air

bonus points: bizzare custom music with samples of barnyard creatures. 0/5
Bonus bonus: You get the “your level is pointless” bonus  3/5

Total score: 8 .   it's a nice level it just didn't score well


1. shift  10 / 10 it shifts between trials or whatever
2. umbrella  5/5 points  you have to use it in very specific ways  
3. enemy/traps 10/10    excellent traps I can't fault that
4. gratuitous advertisements: 6/7   I'd like to see some more nudity
5. banner of superiority: 2/3   Not really blatant enough but I like the trumpet idea
6. humorous storyline or dialogue: 4/5  -  It didn't make me wet my pants but it was very amusing
7. broken or buggy game: 2/5 points, the green ball at the end was moving intentionally but it seems wierd to me....

bonus points: bizzare custom music with samples of barnyard creatures. 0/5

Bonus bonus: Your bonus bonus was “There is no ending to this game”... There is, but the ending makes me think I'm doomed to loop infinitely until the game buffer overruns and fills my screen with random tiles, you jerk, i'm still penalizing you -  you get 4/5

Total points: 42 well done


1. shift  10 / 10  you used shifts to kill a giant spider
2. umbrella 5 / 5 points
3. enemy/traps 10 /10 the spider was awesome
4. gratuitous advertisements: 7/7 that was so gratuitous I don't even care that there was no nudity
5. banner of superiority: 2/3  “or so I heard”???
6. humorous storyline or dialogue: 4/5 – I liked the constant interruptions and cutscenes
7. broken or buggy game: 5/5 - the spider scene seemed buggy-ish?. Oh right the spelling is terrible throughout
bonus points: bizzare custom music with samples of barnyard creatures. 0/5
Bonus bonus: Your level is too short and contains no lens flare – three point penalty bonus 3/5

Total 46, impressive

Rhetoric stu: I did yours before and got 8. But I need a bonus allocated to you. You get the coveted “You killed my dog” BONUS NEGATIVE 7 MULTIPLIER! Giving a grand total of -56 points

Sergio: I will score it when you finish and as you already know, since you are late you are unable to win
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 13:50:58 by caevstroy »

Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #455 on: November 16, 2010, 05:10:36 »
I'm putting together my score sheet. Should be done later today.

Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #456 on: November 16, 2010, 14:33:48 »
Here's my scoring. Sorry for the enormousness.

Yohji - Control Circuit

Custom Objects (25) - 0
Unique Tilesets (5) +5 (beautiful level)
Communal Love (10) Avg = 5
Take Away Powers (5) - 0
Use Flags, Not Keys (10) - (+5 - The level didn't use keys. It did feature some cool ideas like mid-air save points and an invisible floating win object. Not flags but still cool gameplay control.)

Despite not hitting my items, I really liked this level. It wasn't like a Knytt game at all and I still think it could be fodder for a great puzzle level.


Rhetoric Stu - Caev Stroy Runs a Great Competiton (or something like that)

Custom Objects (25) - 0
Unique Tilesets (5) - 0
Communal Love (10) = 1.75
Take Away Powers (5) - 0
Use Flags, Not Keys (10) - +5 - He didn't use keys. Instead, he used an ingenious puzzle involving Caev Stroy's nutsack and a toilet brush.

This was a hilarious level, though not for children (or sober people). The leap of faith was my favorite part.

Score: 6.75/50

Talps - My Loving Hadron Collider

Custom Objects (25) - 17 - Talps used a bunch of different COs for different things (though they were not always necessary) and they looked pretty cool.
Unique Tilesets (5) - 3 - Everything seemed to have the same gradient-style finish, which I don't care for. However, you added those translucent red areas above the obstacles which was great.
Communal Love (10)= 9.34
Take Away Powers (5) - 5 - If you want to learn how to control gameplay in Knytt Stories, check out this world.ini file.
Use Flags, Not Keys (10) = 10 - Again, very slick gameplay. In sections, you've basically animated this game. I've fooled around with this and know the time and effort involved. Well done.

Overall, I liked this game. It was complex and cool. The art was not my favorite - it was a little too uniform for my taste. However, you hit pretty much everything that Caev and I asked for. Impressive.


Firecat - Outside

Custom Objects (25) - 15 - The slow-motion purple monster was a cool trick but didn't really add to the gameplay (for me - other people loved it.)
Unique Tilesets (5) - 5 - Awesome tileset choices. Traditional look to the level, very nice.
Communal Love (10)=9.25
Take Away Powers (5) - 3 - You used a flagoff for the blur mode section. Again, didn't really add to the gameplay (for me).
Use Flags, Not Keys (10) - 5 - you didn't use keys for anything (except adverts - pretty funny) but your gameplay was pretty much a straight line.

Overall, this game was really well made and fun. For me, the art was the great thing about this game - textured but subtle. The old brick temple look always works with Knytt.


Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #457 on: November 16, 2010, 14:40:57 »
Wow, I just read Caev's scores and did the math. Very close contest...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

R Stu = -49.25
Yohji = 23
FireCat = 83.25
Talps = 86.34

Congrats to everyone!


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #458 on: November 16, 2010, 14:50:17 »
Congratulations Talps! Now give us another competition  :nuts:

I must say I was very impressed by the community. That a competition with so many rules, and such difficult rules too, produced not less than 4 entries (which would've been 5 if sergiocornaga submitted in time... by the way, we're still waiting for your level no matter what! :)) is extraordinary. I hope the next competition goes just as well, or even better!


Offline NESgamer190

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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #459 on: November 16, 2010, 15:20:36 »
Hopefully the next level will NOT require custom objects, or I may need a little sort of "Custom object editor"...  :S
In either case, I await the next contest, and will NOT be afraid to judge if needed.
http://nesgamer7190.deviantart.com/ (My DeviantArt Account.  Behold my not too good artistics.)
  (Mafia 9 pie maniac)

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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #460 on: November 16, 2010, 21:23:12 »
Hooray! Man, that was close! Well done FireCat and everyone else; I really didn't expect to win this!

Gotta give thanks to Oldnile for beta-testing and helping me make the level less frustrating; I forgot to credit him in the level, so I shall pronounce his awesomeness here and now.

Anyway, I've had a few ideas for the next competition, but as winning has come as a surprise, my mind is not yet made up. I'll announce it in a few days' time (and don't worry NESgamer; I won't impose Custom Objects).

Yay! Thanks again everyone who voted me high on Communal Love, and to the judges who voted me high.

Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #461 on: November 17, 2010, 07:58:08 »
You get the coveted “You killed my dog” BONUS NEGATIVE 7 MULTIPLIER! Giving a grand total of -56 points

But that was an accident! You know as well as I, there was a 56% chance that my death ray would be harmless!


Oh well, I can win another competition. Perhaps "Caevstroy can suck on it" parts 2 to 30 will be received more positively


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #462 on: November 17, 2010, 14:14:03 »
Perhaps "Caevstroy can suck on it" parts 2 to 30 will be received more positively
We can only hope.
I liked your first level more.

I was gonna wait a few days to let this wind down before launching my competition (*giggles with girlish glee for seven minutes*) but since every day of delay is a day closer to Christmas, for which I assume people will have more important duties to fulfil than making levels for Knytt Stories, I guess I should get things started promptly.

The competition theme is: Isolation.
Juni/Subject Name/Mother Knytt/Whoever is alone, but why, how, and what will she do about it?

Each entry will be marked out of 10 for the following five categories (making the total score out of 50):

  • Storytelling: I love levels that tell great stories!
  • Atmosphere: Look, sound, and how well it all works together.
  • Use of theme: What use did you make of the competition theme?
  • Gameplay: How good are the challenges/puzzles/etcetera? How good is it at being what it set out to be?
  • Fun: That's kinda the point of a game.

End date is January the fifth, to lessen the weight of Christmas and so that the next person doesn't have to start their competition on Christmas day.


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #463 on: November 17, 2010, 15:01:47 »
Congrats on the win! Great theme. It fits with a Knytt Story I've been wanting to make with a friend for a long time now, one which I think has the potential to be fantastic. Hopefully that happens.

As for my unfinished entry for the previous competition, I plan to devote a couple of hours over the weekend to finishing it. It would be a shame not to release it, as it has some nice art.


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #464 on: November 18, 2010, 17:30:31 »
Take Away Powers (5) - 3 - You used a flagoff for the blur mode section. Again, didn't really add to the gameplay (for me).
You didn't look close. He used flagoff to make umbrella stuck - that's something worth 6 points out of 5 IMO! 6.09 to be precise :D