WIN Tile: Do you mean that the win tile must be at the start of the level.
There must be a path to it from the start of the level
Yellow Key and Umbrella: Are you saying that you can't start with those items or are you saying that you can't use these items. Period.
You can't start with them.
Lunatic Level: My levels too hard for you
No, rather I don't want to have to play through a lunatic level just to grade it. Very hard levels are still ok.
For the theme of the competition (Motion), Would an example be like motion sickness, could you give an example.
Well, one example would be keeping the player in constant motion, like Timo Maas and the like. Another would be motion through space. As long as the level shows some kind of motion it's fine. Remember, you get bonus points for being more clever with the theme.