OK, results:
Firecat, kudos for making the level with the most to offer in terms of traditional KS gameplay. Fun, challenging stuff, though I think the randomness of the spike traps is unfair at times.
Healy, I liked Peaceful Sonata a lot. You referred to it as bland, but I found it really calming and was able to enjoy it for the full length of the ambiance track. Thinking back, it's the one level that really made me feel good, in contrast to a couple of rather depressing entries! Tiny House was well designed, but its extreme brevity left me feeling unfulfilled. I felt like it should lead onto other screens. That bird is really well placed, though.
plural, I thought Day 901 was excellent. It was very atmospheric! That might be an awful pun at your level's expense, but I'm not totally sure because I found the plot a bit obscure. Your trick with the 'stop music' shifts was amazing, I had no idea that was possible.
Raicuparta, great work with Some Room, especially the second version. Your level deftly demonstrates that the KS engine can handle adventure gameplay. The graphics were excellent too, and I admire your work hiding 'the tick' (i.e. objects flashing off when shifting). I think including more of a story could be beneficial.
egomassive, your sequel to Capitalism managed to be even more downbeat than the original, which is an impressive feat. Your uniformly claustrophobic and grimy environments were very appropriate, it also seems like a lot of work went into the sound design (to good effect).
Picking a winner was super tough, but I've decided to go with plural. The next competition is yours to host.