KS Level Competition

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Offline egomassive

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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #765 on: July 23, 2012, 19:01:22 »
Here's my entry.

Capitalism 2

I've given stars for Plural and Raicuparta's entries. I can't say I'll win for sure against all these challengers. This is the most successful competition we've had since the 2-screen-width-restriction one. Great idea Sergio!


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #766 on: July 23, 2012, 19:24:09 »
Yeah I think that at least for a while we should try and stick with competitions that "force" us to make small or simple levels in some way, go with design restrictions instead of themes.


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #767 on: July 25, 2012, 21:35:30 »
I have updated my level, and would like this to be my submission, if that is OK.
Download Some Room v2 from Mediafire
Download Some Room v2 from Knyttlevels

Fixed misspellings of "bucket" (thanks, sergiocornaga);
Changed the way the puzzle works behind the curtains so it plays smoother (egomassive sent me an edited version of this level showing me how to do it, I think the final result is a bit different but it was his suggestion, so kudos for him);
Also tried my best to reduce stuttering and blinking COs when using shifts.

I think this version is visually a lot better, I'm quite proud of it :)


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #768 on: July 25, 2012, 23:40:31 »
Raicuparta: The graphical tweaks in this version are a big improvement, and it already looked great. That "overlay" trick is very clever. Wish I'd thought of it.


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #769 on: July 26, 2012, 13:34:19 »
Hey Raicuparta, you forgot to turn on the lights in gradient6... but I wouldn't blame you if you just left it that way. Also, that new shift-stacking method is great stuff, I may use it in the future.


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #770 on: July 30, 2012, 17:26:36 »
Everything looks so great! I'm amazed that this competition got so many submissions. (Also, sergiocornaga: Were those farm animals in your Ace Attorney singing a cover of Remplissage Momentané from the original KS soundtrack?)

I've got a level that I'd like to submit, and I think would add a lot to this competition. Unfortunately, I asked a friend of mine to help me out with some audio, and he's stuck away from a computer for a day. I know that there already are a good number of levels submitted, and that there's not much reason to extend the deadline, but I'd really appreciate an extra day or two so that I can get his contribution. Otherwise, prepare your ears for some quality terrible internal mic recordings  :P2

In any case, let me know. Looking forward to the judging!


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #771 on: July 31, 2012, 08:21:59 »
I'd really appreciate an extra day or two so that I can get his contribution.

I'll allow it.

(Also, sergiocornaga: Were those farm animals in your Ace Attorney singing a cover of Remplissage Momentané from the original KS soundtrack?)

They were indeed.


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #772 on: August 02, 2012, 02:29:09 »
BeamishBoy, where's that level?  :)


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #773 on: August 02, 2012, 17:36:43 »
Is it too late to submit an entry to this? If so, too bad, because I just made another entry! It's called Tiny House, and boy does it ever live up to that title!


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #774 on: August 02, 2012, 18:47:10 »
Hi, all.

A few last-minute glitches popped up that are proving frustrating to fix, so I'm afraid I'm gonna sit this one out after making you all wait an extra few days. I'll be releasing my level separately, probably tomorrow, but I don't want you guys to be held up by me. Unless, of course, I finish absurdly quickly in the next hour before anyone sees this, in which case I'll edit my post to be my submission :P

Best of luck to all!


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #775 on: August 02, 2012, 20:09:40 »
Healy, that's cool. BeamishBoy, if you post your level in the next 10 hours or so I'll count it as an entry, after that I'll start preparing results.

Edit: Sorry, everyone! I'm feeling quite unwell, so posting feedback and declaring a winner will have to wait until tomorrow. BeamishBoy, this means you still have time to submit something if you think you're up to it.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 10:05:07 by sergiocornaga »


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #776 on: August 04, 2012, 11:43:04 »
OK, results:

Firecat, kudos for making the level with the most to offer in terms of traditional KS gameplay. Fun, challenging stuff, though I think the randomness of the spike traps is unfair at times.

Healy, I liked Peaceful Sonata a lot. You referred to it as bland, but I found it really calming and was able to enjoy it for the full length of the ambiance track. Thinking back, it's the one level that really made me feel good, in contrast to a couple of rather depressing entries! Tiny House was well designed, but its extreme brevity left me feeling unfulfilled. I felt like it should lead onto other screens. That bird is really well placed, though.

plural, I thought Day 901 was excellent. It was very atmospheric! That might be an awful pun at your level's expense, but I'm not totally sure because I found the plot a bit obscure. Your trick with the 'stop music' shifts was amazing, I had no idea that was possible.

Raicuparta, great work with Some Room, especially the second version. Your level deftly demonstrates that the KS engine can handle adventure gameplay. The graphics were excellent too, and I admire your work hiding 'the tick' (i.e. objects flashing off when shifting). I think including more of a story could be beneficial.

egomassive, your sequel to Capitalism managed to be even more downbeat than the original, which is an impressive feat. Your uniformly claustrophobic and grimy environments were very appropriate, it also seems like a lot of work went into the sound design (to good effect).

Picking a winner was super tough, but I've decided to go with plural. The next competition is yours to host.


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #777 on: August 04, 2012, 13:58:48 »
Congratulations Plural! I was very proud of my entry, but every time I looked at yours I thought, "I'm totally going to lose."

Healy had me a little worried because she used Sergio's tilesets in both of her entries.

I disagree that Some Room needs more story. The circumstances are mysterious and mysteries do not unveil themselves so readily. It stands on it's own but it definitely left me wanting more. Seeing how well this played, I may have to resurrect this old project at some point.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 19:40:28 by egomassive »


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #778 on: August 04, 2012, 16:09:10 »
Congratulations, plural!
I am also very proud of my entry, but I think the fact that it isn't a single screen (and thus easier to make interesting) made it harder for me to win, but that plural's is indeed a really great level for a single screen.
plural, your next big challenge is to come up with a competition that becomes as popular as this one :P


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Re: KS Level Competition
« Reply #779 on: August 05, 2012, 13:13:57 »
Thanks everyone, I was convinced Egomassive would win that level was really cool. I also didn't realize that this was how it worked, I should've payed more attention so I would've been prepared to name a new competition. But anyway, I doubt I could make something as popular but I'll try not to stall out the thread at least.

My competition is going to be:
A Looping World

Use screen warps to make a level warp from one side of itself to another creating that simulation that the world is possibly round or maybe you have something more interesting than that in mind. The only strict requirement of it is that at some point the world loops from left to right back into itself -- or maybe it loops up to down. but there also must be a win tile somewhere, hidden or not. Challenge or not. It doesn't matter just make sure the level loops around in some way or another and that it has a specific end point for someone to find.

Size: Any
Difficulty: Below lunatic
Type: Any

I should note that I can't beat lunatic levels so that's why that restriction is there. The level could be as small or as large as you want but I'm more interested in how well the level works. And whether or not the level uses the theme as part of its gameplay isn't as important as you'd think to me. I'm more interested in how good the level is on its own, the theme is just to give some guidance.

Deadline: September 5th
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 13:15:56 by plural »