Sorry for the delay, busy Mother's Day weekend here in the States. I face-palmed when I saw the screens I didn't put Ripen's tiles on. There are actually 5 more of just sky and nothing else. For these violations I would have gladly accepted a disqualification. Anyhow, I won so here is my acceptance speech:
I'd like to thank Ripen for making such an inspiring and versatile tileset. I'd like to thank Grimwit for formulating the rules for this contest and, of course, for declaring me the winner. Most of all I'd like to thank the little people, the ones who stand about 17 pixels high. Without them none of this would have been possible. Thank you.
Now, for the new contest:
Real Life deadline May 28, 2010
I'm basing this contest on a theme. The theme is
Real Life. The idea behind it is that most games put you in outrageous or unrealistic situation. (e.g. saving the world, saving the universe, saving princesses from dinosaurs.) There aren't many games which focus on the events we humans can or will actually experience in our lives. They say the best literature/songs are made when you write what you know. Does the same hold true for video games? Let's find out.
Your level can be any category as long as it adheres to the theme. It can be something as simple as an environmental in an Earthly landscape. It can be as complex as a puzzle about fixing an automobile. It can be a funny, heartwarming, or tear-jerking story from your own experiences. It's up to you. To enable you to make a winning level I'm going to detail the scoring system I'll use.
- 10 points: Conveys the theme Real Life
- 10 points: Quality of game play. (e.g. no voids, no glitches, etc.)
- 5 points: Graphics. (Does it look good? Does it look flat when it shouldn't? etc.)
- 5 Points: Originality. (New story? New music? New graphics or custom objects? Creative level design? It doesn't matter as long as it's original.)
- 3 points: Sound. (I don't expect you to make original songs under a short time frame. I'm going to grade on appropriateness of the music and the ambiance. Does it fit the scene?)
- 2 points: Did I, egomassive, like it. (You can meet all the criteria above and still make a level that simply isn't enjoyable. This is my personal preferences coming into play. Don't worry too much about it, I'm quite open minded.)
I think the 2 week deadlines are a little short, and since I'm launching this contest on a Monday it may take a few days before people notice it. Therefore, The deadline is two weeks from Friday. That means it is due on May 28, 2010.