it would be cool if players could jump up each other. That way, you could make a puzzle where you have to jump up each other and get to a button to open a door etc...
Or perhaps, have certain multiplayer powerups so you can make a co-op puzzle level.
It can lead to Wallswims, and Voids.
EDIT: I'm curious if this even works. My suggestion, make it [actually] online, or let Dynamite make it only. It's not even LAN, but how did they make it online? Multitasking.
I was an idiot to say that dynamite should cancell his version, I mean this version right here does not even work. Prove to me it is online and I will keep downloading the newer versions. In the meantime, the smarter idea would be to resort to Dynamite's version, his video didn't use multitask.