Alright... who's up for another round? Well, I've got some news for you... things are changing in the DWYW universe. First, there are now different categories of actions (more on that later), and there will be a random element added each turn (a six sided die will be rolled, with a greater chance of "success" for the random element to occur each round that success has not been achieved). I also plan to incorporate some storyline... but first, here's the original rules:
Everyone posts an action in-thread. You may change this action, or perform the "null" action at anytime. Once everyone has submitted an action, dice will be rolled to determine the outcome. Your actions influence you, other people, or the world around you. You can basically do anything. If there is an action where a danger is introduced, such as the apocalypse in the previous game, then everyone targeted rolls to avoid it (see above rolls to dodge). Please note, also, that I will do the roles for you... all YOU have to do is post the action and type of action. If you are still confused, feel free to pm me or ask a question in the thread.
Now, onto the categories of actions:
This uses a regular, 6-sided die to determine the success/failure of a standard action.
1-Fails horribly, with totally unintended consequences the like of which you've never seen before... ok, well, maybe you have seen them...
2-Fails with minor backlash, such as something that you need to do next turn or else it will worsen (ie, a fire that needs to be put out)
3-Fails, but there is very little or non-existent backlash.
4-Success to an extent. You'll get part of what you hoped for, but not all of what you hoped for.
5-Complete success: the action succeeded one hundred percent.
6-Overkill: the action succeeded, and something else happened as well...
Please note, however, that any action beyond the capability of what we can do in this world will have a higher chance of backfiring. See below for more details.
This is an action that has ABSOLUTELY NO BACKlASH...
however... there is a 1 in 12 chance that it will succeed. All other numbers will fail. This number will be: 7. Please note: You can do virtually ANYTHING with this role short of bringing someone back to life.
This has a 50/50 chance of succeeding... HOWEVER, the other 50 percent of the time will result in a HORRIBLE backfire, that will almost certainly leave you unable to do much. This is advised only for desperate situations.
Dodging occurs with a six sided die. Rolls 1 and/or 2 may have a bad result, but all other rolls will meet with success.
Alright, so to submit an action, you will say something like:
(Type of action) - (action)
Which will end up looking like:
Standard - I blow up the rewards from the last game of DWYW (kidding Purple, just kidding! They were too awesome to destroy.)
Any actions that are posted by the dead CANNOT directly try to kill any living players, though they can make life more difficult (use your creativity!!!)
Once you are killed, there IS a chance that you can still win... but if you don't succeed, you will forfeit any/all awards you may have earned and will no longer be able to post actions.
To be revived (which you can ONLY do ONCE), you must post an action to head into the River Lethe and be reborn. There is a 50/50 chance of this succeeding.
Also, another note: Certain actions may be deemed beyond the normal ability, and therefore have a higher chance of backfiring. Actions like levitation, or things that cannot be done in the normal world are examples of this. In this case, 1, 2, and possibly 3 (for role outcomes in a standard role) are all backfires, bigtime. It will only go up to 3 if it is an EXTREMELY hard thing to do. Also, in this case, 4 will have a slight backfire, and 5 will be mild success, with 6 being full success.
Here's a teaser for the story, to get people interested...
'Twas a cold, autumn night, and the winds were echoing with the sounds of the poor souls, lost to their own folly in what started out as a cheery game. Mourn they not for long, however... for the essence of luck has been uncovered... men tell many tales of it, many different tales, but all share the same thing: the one who finds it will find himself capable of much more than he ever dreamed, and a much luckier person than before... and now it's been uncovered. But on that same night... deep under the ground, bodies began to stir with new life... the divines were taking amusement at the town's games...
The story's a work in progress, but I hope it's enough to be interesting. Before you ask, yes, you CAN obtain the essence of luck...
So, anyone up for this game? Post here or pm me by Oct. 6th.
Also, feel free to discuss changes to the game here, or make recommendations. If a decent number of you are opposed to something, let me know, and I'll see about changing it. Hope to see lots of you there! Feel free to choose different names for yourself for the game (ie, I could play as, say, Sofia III or something), and they will be accepted as long as another active forum member's name is not chosen (no impersonating people!!!)
Also: There will be surprises... fun surprises...Also, updated the prayer description: you can do basically ANYTHING with it, but it doesn't have a great chance of succeeding.
Purple Pineapple as Dr. Syringe
NESgamer190 as 8biter
Firecat as himself
Yonowaaru as himself
Dataflashbot as himself
Mathexpert as Mr. Math
Technogeek as himself
ckool5000 as himself
Limelemon as himself
BackwardsO as himself