I find this level very... unpleasant. The entire thing feels like a series of clumsy pastiches of other levels glued together with (mostly) uninspired transitional material. The two (in my opinion) worst pastiches are the ones of Night and Sky Flower; the Night one uses the tilesets from Night, mixed with an extremely jarring background, and has non-silhouetted creatures, destroying the illusion of darkness set up by the tileset. This area also uses the exact same ambiance as Night. The Sky Flower area uses a recolor of the Sky Flower tileset, and (I think) the same music. None of the pastiches are really explained anywhere in the level; transitions are abrupt- the tilesets change at screen edges without warning. I also could find no link whatsoever to Frozen Mountain (the first one) other than one character the two levels have in common. Some of the screens are truly beautiful, like the middle two screenshots in the original post. However, the majority of the screens feel like very little time was spent on them; there are many SGEs, and each screen simply has too much happening in it- too many things are going on in each screen, which do not fit together. Like, there are some intricate icicles on the ceiling, then all sorts of flowers on the ground, then an enemy spitting energy in one corner, and a fairy flying around in another, then a thing off to the side of some rabbits- any one of these things could work, but there's too much happening that does not gel, and it is distracting and unpleasant to look at. There are also some vague "chapter" things that happen- but the first chapter that is mentioned is the second one. The second chapter can also be replayed indefinitely, and it is possible to skip it altogether, and thus break the game later on. There are many, many cameos of forum members in the game, but the cameos are all the same-
a cat saying a forum member's name in between asterisks-
and this spoils any sense of specialness that the cameo may have had were it actually unique. The whole level also lacks direction, as if it is a bunch of planned sections put together in random order. In other words- the level is a mess.
EDIT: It has come to my attention that the first chapter mentioned isn't necessarily the second; however, to actually do the first, you must perform an unintuitive action near the start of the game.