I got the idea for this game from the pit of 9000 challenges. Its basically the same premise, except not just spam.
First one player posts three challenges. One easy, one medium and one hard. The first person to complete any one of these challenges gets to post three new challenges.
Completing a challenge awards you with points, depending on how hard that challenge was.
Easy: 5 point Can easily be completed without much effort.
Normal: 10 points Requires some effort to complete.
Hard: 15 points Requires a lot of effort to complete.
The points then get updated in the highscore.
Purple Pineapple: 105
LPChip: 35
Miss Paula: 35
Limelemon: 35
Bored2death: 30
Razzorman: 20
smeagle: 15
minimay: 15
bumperpower64: 15
Firecat: 10
Dataflashsabot: 5
I'll begin.
Easy: Find all of the hidden smilies.
Medium: Find out which episode of Zero Punctuation the quote in my sig is from.
Hard: Beat