Current Forum Standings

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Offline StaticRomantic

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Re: Current Forum Standings
« Reply #60 on: August 29, 2009, 03:47:22 »
Wow. Didn't think there was all this heat goin around  :huh:.
I think the mods are doing a great job. They are active for the most part, and do a pretty good job of keeping order.
My only complaints would include a bit of attitude from certain mods, as well as what appears to be some favoritism (how does this get blocked while this doesn't?).
But these gripes are minor. Any job that requires dealing with and controlling people is tough. And they've done a good job with it in my opinion.
And I'm gonna have to support Goog a bit. He can have an attitude sometimes, but is pretty sensible and mature from what I've seen, and tends to handle most issues pretty well. Same goes for most other mods.
I think we should all be personally open to "supportive criticism", but this is a little extreme. Wording it like this is pretty offensive. But mods should be open to change; it seems that having the position of moderator has led some to believe they don't need to work on their flaws. Basically, criticism should be worded carefully by the critic (and reasonable) and thought over by the "accused". There's no reason a system like that can't work, besides a lack of patience. These issues should probably also be addressed privately by personal messages, as a public post like this looks pretty embarrassing to those being accussed.
My thoughts, at least.

Sorry if I'm a little late on the response, also. (I probably am.) I'm guessing some of these issues have been resolved

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« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 04:26:47 by StaticRomantic »


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Re: Current Forum Standings
« Reply #61 on: August 29, 2009, 22:25:54 »
googoogjoob: googoogjoob is an atrocious chat op who breaks rules and doesn't bother enforcing them.  The most visible work he does as a mod is lock threads by the book.  He has no respect for anyone, is terribly inactive, mod-wise on the main forums, and a horrible example as a mod.  Additionally, he has been de-opped and kicked several times by other operators in the chat for acting inappropriately.

Which is exactly why I love him :3

« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 22:27:43 by Bass »


Offline LimeLemon

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Re: Current Forum Standings
« Reply #62 on: August 31, 2009, 09:35:41 »
Hey, dudes, chill, can't we just... peace out?
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Offline Comhon

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Re: Current Forum Standings
« Reply #63 on: September 25, 2009, 09:54:46 »
Additionally, we recommend a three-strikes rule for people who break the rules of the community:

◦The first strike would be a warning: a reminder that you are breaking the rules.  This would be suitable for first-time offenders.
◦The second strike would be a temporary ban; the amount of time of such a ban would depend on the severity of the rule broken.
◦The third strike would be an indefinite ban from the forum and/or #niffchat.  This would immediately apply if the rule broken is severe, such as spamming or posting links to items such as commercial MP3s, mortgages, or pornography.
I agree with it. In my opinoin, it will be the best way.


Offline LPChip

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Re: Current Forum Standings
« Reply #64 on: September 25, 2009, 12:12:20 »
We already do this. The only thing that is debatable is: when is something serious enough to actually act?

If I would act on every moment someone is breaking the rules, people will stop posting. They'll be too affraid of doing something wrong and getting punished for it. Instead, I look on how often someone is making somekind of mistake, and if it gets too frequent for a certain type, I inform the user by PM. This is often enough to deal with a situation.

If ofcource the first time someone does something is a big thing, then ofcource I give a warning, second warning = temp ban, third warning = full ban. And obviously, users that aren't interested in this community (such as spambots) gets to be threaten differently, as in Instant ban.
on the left, above my avatar.

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Offline PeppyHare4000

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Re: Current Forum Standings
« Reply #65 on: September 25, 2009, 20:22:59 »
We should stop this fight. Everyone makes mistakes in life and people can really make a big deal about it. People can only do their best in life and i think the moderators and administrators are doing their best. Some Mistakes cannot be corrected. LPChip is making the New knytt stories level archive that will be more organized. Can't wait for that. We should have respect for this forum so it doesn't go out of control. And remember the important people that recently quit this forum. I say Good luck to the people who are doing their best in this forum. Have a nice day.


Offline Mr. Monkey

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Re: Current Forum Standings
« Reply #66 on: February 09, 2010, 08:21:47 »
Please read the original post again. I think I clarified my opinions of the more controversial points. :)
o__  o


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Re: Current Forum Standings
« Reply #67 on: February 09, 2010, 13:37:21 »
I guess this topic now is obsolete since all the controversial points' clarification consisted of deleting them. "Fine" job there. 9_9
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