I cant keep this inside my head any longer i gotta share it!
no one has done something like this so... i will say what im thinking
The level is simplicity you start out in a city and just do ordinary things like in capitalism.. (go here press down , deliver it here press down)
but then slowly you lose your mind and juni becomes a ...murder.... (starts with haterd agianst your boss)
you strike at night when the darkness covers you like a blanket (that object in KSA will act like night fall, you will have to doge police, you get caught by walking into a certain shift which acts like thier sight of range and a cut scene will pop up saying you got caught)
this murder sparks many more
but yet your murders are causing you to have hallucallations....
so will insanity grip you or will you become an infamous murder... (two endings or four max depending on the choices you make)
it will be done as if im telling a story to you so in this fromat (she stood in front of the door and pondered if she should enter) or (she stands back and takes in what she has just done...she cant believe)
now you may ask why i would want to make a level like this..well juni is always good (or mostly) and she hasnt done anything radical thing like this so i thought i should make a level where she is the evil problem.
Important note: After i typed this all up i realised if i tryed to do it by myself i probably wouldnt get it done anytime soon (i've started it) but with all the other levels im trying to do sooo this is going to be a collaberation project If your interested and you want to help just post saying that you wanna contribute.
I need three people one for each murder including me
so i make the first murder and then i will send it to the second person and
they will continue the story line how they see fit (they have to include a murder) and so onCONTRIBUTERSStrange Darkness
Pick Yer Poison