I've got to say that I downloaded your album, and I think it's quite nice. My complaints are:
The sounds in some of the songs are a little too similar, I think it requires a bit more of distinguishment between the compositions. The longer songs are the ones which I enjoy most, they take their time and I can get lost in the soundscapes. The shorter songs don't quite do that and are, frankly, unneeded.
Don't worry, this album is growing on me, and, I actually like it!
Next time, try to more like build up a certain kind of emotion into what could be considered an almost unnoticable crescendo, just for the sake of that I thought it could be interesting to hear what you could come up with. I know that it is drone, and that drone should...droooooone.... but I think it would be interesting to hear some kind of build-up or "crescendo". Also, more work with the sounds/instruments; you can never work too much with those whilst creating some kind of ambient music! I would love to hear some acoustic, "real" instruments.
All these IMO, of course.
I'd love to hear what you could come up with next!
Drone on! //Klämrisk
PS. This album work extra-ordinary well whilst playing "The Space Game" or "TSG: Missions" at casualcollective.com.