"Welcome to the epic game of Do What You Want! I'm your host, Shawnachu. The rules are simple. Don't Die. Have fun, contestants!"
Purple Pinapple: 4 You manage to get up off the floor and into a standing position.
Dataflashsabot: 5 You stand up straight.
NESgamer190: 5 You pretend you're a frog. Hey, it worked!
Razzorman: 2 You try to stand up by rolling around on the floor. You're still on the floor.
bumperpower64: 5 Unfortunately, you can't find a dice, so you roll a dice-shaped ball of dirt. You get a 5.
TechnoGeek: 6 You plant you hands in the ground, push yourself into a handstand, and finally push off again into a standing position. Your feet hurt a tad.
Firecat: 5 You manage to find some rocks, a forked stick, and a rubber band.
ChaosWolf159: 1 You start moving really fast. Forward. Into the wall. You crash into the open field, unconscious. You may not submit an action next turn.
Limelemon: 5 You scratch you finger in the dirt to form some complex mathematical equations. You've figured it out!
Igiari: 6 You start whistling so loudly that your ears start ringing.
No real violence this turn, so no dodge roll.