Sooooo... this started out as me playing around with the standard tilesets, to get a feel for how to use them, and how to work with layers and so on. It wasn't really intended to become a level in its own right. But tonight I noticed that, really, it was only lacking a couple more screens to become a nice enough, though thoroughly unspectacular small environmental. And since tonight I felt like finishing something I added a few screens, and hey presto, here it is. Don't expect much - this is just a total newbie cutting her teeth.
Because I sometimes like to impose artificial restrictions on myself when doing something creative, I made some rules for my screens here. They were:
1.) Use only more or less nature-themed tilesets.
2.) Use only one tileset per screen.
3.) Make only one screen per tileset (with one big exception).
4.) Every island - the walkable part, anyway - begins at x3y8 and ends at x21y8.
5.) There is a savepoint at x12y7 on every island.
It's another rain-themed level because, well, I love KS rain.
(Yep, I know that's technically the waterfall object and not the rain object. Well, we're talking really heavy rain here....)
Download: Found, and fixed, an SGE and a void. I've already uploaded the fixed version.