Fubaka & Pie_Sniper: a collaboration between the two of you could be exciting, I think... Pie_Sniper just sent me another short piece, which I really loved. I'd really like to have you both on board - because I like both your styles, and because there are a *lot* of areas to score, and also because in some cases, one of the two styles might work better than the other, whereas in others a mix might work, etc. Obviously, though, you'd have to try and see if you can imagine collaborating with each other... if you can't, well, then I'll just have to make a decision after all. ;-)
A sensible first step would probably be to send you both the level as it is... If either of you decides after that that you'd rather not be involved, that's okay, too, of course. (As my webspace is currently out of commission, I need to find a filesending service, I guess... I'll look into that later today.)
Re: timeframe. This thing has been a project for three, three and a half years now, and I expect it to remain in active development for at least another six months, because - as-yet-unbuilt areas aside - there's also still house insides, dialogue, shifts, ambient sounds, etc. to take care of. I can't work on it a whole lot, most days, because my life is in serious upheaval at the moment (I'm losing my job, have to find a new one, move to another city, etc. etc. etc.) So the next few months look a bit unpredictable. But I do intend to keep working on it, now that I'm back on track.
Re: payment. I know neither of you requested any... and I can't really pay you properly... but if you need anything that a goldsmith could make... well, this here goldsmith would owe you a big favour. If you decide you want to be part of this project. :-)