Red flower: If Juni is closer than 200 pixels, every 00"-58, shoot a seed at speed between 30 & 59 inclusive.
Timed flower: Every 02"-65, toggle attack. Every 00"-15 when attacking, shoot a seed at speed 30 - 59, and set deceleration to 20
Grey flower: Set recurring countdown from 175 to 0. "Always" subtract 1. When 0, shoot seeds of speed 20 - 59.
Seed is pinball movement, gravity 10, initial speed 50, deceleration 10, and direction \ or /.
Homing flower: Every 02"-15, attack for 45 "always." During attack, make flower glow. Shoot homing bullet at 1.
Homing bullet: Two variables, "X Speed" and "Y Speed" are added to the X, Y positions "always." If on left of Juni, add .05 to X Speed. If on right, subtract the same amount. Same for Y.
Fire flower: If Juni closer than 270 pixels, open. If Juni farther than 285, close. Every 00"-16 during attack, shoot fire ball at speed 30 - 59, direction from NW to NE.
Fire ball: same as seed.