What about that video you uploaded where you were two players hopping around in a world and chatting with each other? Did you scrap that idea?
Seems to me like it wouldn't need to be more than that.
Firstly, that video only supported 2 people. If a 3rd person joined then the game would have glitched.
Secondly, The whole reason why I quit was because the online engine was too hard to make. I will pretty much need to modify every single individual object which will take forever, and I will also need to change the entire level editor... I'm not doing it again to avoid abandoning this game a second time.
So right now it's just an upload your level and download other levels in the game, I might add a small chatroom in there.
But there is a catch. I will regurlarly update the game (using automatic updates), adding new features and such. Maybe, just maybe I can add that online-multiplayer feature.