Welp, it has been over two years since anyone has asked about this, but I felt like posting back here. I'm pretty busy with college and whatnot, so I may not ever
finish this level entirely, but I think I would at least like to make some more progress.
I was scouring around for some more source material for inspiration, and I noticed that one of my favorite level designers, Farik, had used sounds and music from ERH of freesoundproject.org. ERH had about 90 pages worth of uploaded files, most of which were artistic and interesting, though useless from a game-designing perspective (15 pages of audio recordings from a train station anyone?). However, I was eventually able to sift through the audio and find some very well composed pieces of strange, slightly off-putting music which would be perfect for what I have in mind.
To list a few that I plan to use:
Atmosphere 2-
Eh struuct multi-
Eastern...Just listening to these have helped me to decide where I want the level to go, so I will do my best to make some headway and keep you all up to date whenever I have news to report.