Crud. You stole my idea! The tinfoil hats aren't working!
I was thinking of doing entire cutscenes this way.
Same here! ... at least the extremely important ones, like the intro, outro, and other important ones.
I got the idea while walking along the guard railing of a bridge over a river. This is the same river found in the town of Macomb in BSoaKFF.
I was thinking about the intro for it, and how I wanted to change the initial storyline opener. As I was looking down, I realized how much faster the ground on the left side appeared to be moving then the right. (It seemed to move faster because of how much lower it was.) Then I thought about the bridge in the game. I thought to myself how awesome it would be to animate a cutscene like that. Then I realized I could. The only difference is that mine will cover the entire screen, and you can skip it by pressing down...
Oh, and there was voice acting in these cutscenes.
As for the level, the intro itself was nicely done, and it looks great. The only awkward looking part is when Juni jumps off the bird.
The level is slightly bland, but still looks nice overall.
Might there be a Temp IV in the future?