Hello ncrecc! It's a pleasure to be back again, back again, bbbbb back again.
I enjoyed the whole "evil ncrecc corporation needs to be shut down by our intrepid hero because its KS levels are too pretentious to exist" plot. That was meta.
Even the random scattered "people" literally make a harsh review of the level themselves (and they are also all employees of the evil company, I suppose? That would make them twice as meta).
Is that "black widow" their boss? I expected the pink ghost to show up somewhere.
"Dr. Trope" was going to be a character in a level of mine. Guess I'll call him "Dr. Herring" or something then.
When I went to that area and met the "rude birthday cake SCP thingy", I thought the thing on the right was another "people" as well, and I turned the whole "grid dimension" to black, not knowing what to do. When I finally realized it's
just a blank canvas I did this:
There's a lot of references in this level. One of the people looks like SCP-999 in its fan depictions (according to the author, the original has no face). There's also Ash from The End is Nigh, and the maggot from Isaac.
The purple ghost looks like Clutch, and there's Baby Plum in the credits (both from Isaac. I can't find her anywhere in-game though). There's also a weird variant of Baby Plum with black limbs, no eyes, and a "grin".
The giant "spider" looks like Triachnid (from Isaac) if he was called "Pentachnid".
The guy that looks like a blend of Delirium (from Isaac) and Dr. Fetus (Super Meat Boy), also slightly looks like a stylized Mr. Eldritch (from Corrupt-a-Wish, and that's definitely a coincidence).
I can't recognize the other employees.
I liked the Nectar-esque warp and the Garden reference. The name of the VG temple made me wheeze.
The laser switch was interesting but (as GrayFace pointed out) I too had to cheat-save in x1007y1005. The other screens after y1006 were nice.
When I first got to Trope's Lab I literally said, "Wait... SMG4??? In a KS level? This can't be real."
I lost it at the Mario 64 oof in the Machine ending.
I liked the fact the final quiz is a reference to 9 Boring Levels and all, but... geez. I went to count spiders and they were 5. Then I counted "people" and they were 3, and I couldn't find anything related to the third question. By sheer bruteforce, turns out the "black widow" counts as a spider, every single thing you could talk to also counts as "people",
and the weird flying crystal eventually stops "morsing" if you switch lasers...
My goodness... Have some mercy.
Some screens in the VG temple were also a bit frustrating, but anyway...
♪ You you, must, learn! You you you you, must, learn!