Thanks for making this unsettling little level!
I believe I found all the endings.
- EXCELLENT use of artwork and custom objects.
- Overlays worked well.
- I felt legitimately creeped out at some points in the game.
- I liked the use of "real" photographs. This might be the only time I've seen them used effectively in a KS level.
- SCP Foundation is ALWAYS welcome!
The gameplay itself was a bit "meh" for me. I found myself randomly trying different options to see which one would allow me to advance or see a new ending. Then a perma-death would occur, and I'd have to start over from the beginning. Even if your objective is to make the player feel frustrated/hopeless in a chaotic world, there are better ways to do this. By replaying the same conversations and scares over and over again, the "creepy" factor goes away and becomes tedious.
I think you have a gift for this type of level, and I would love to see the creepy atmosphere incorporated into a level with a true narrative/puzzle structure and some challenges.