Yes, hi! I've unknowingly signed up for this forum 2 years ago, but for the past few months I've been lurking (sometimes going on the NiffChat). This is actually my
second post ever; the first was today when I submitted a fix for
The Outer Rim (one of the worlds in FiNCK's Third-Party Pack), since I got paranoid that any future players will become stuck at a certain point and refuse to play anymore (just as I almost did before I popped up the Editor for my own curiosity). First Nifflas game I've played was (as you may or may not expect) Within a Deep Forest, after seeing my brother played it, and that was a
looong time ago.
Recently, I've created a goal as an appreciation for Nifflas having created such a wonderful platformer, along with his other works I've played like Knytt Stories, and a glimpse at FiNCK and 7 Nanocycles: To fully beat
all of his games (not possible for some), and to set a record of some sort in the process like a fast time or a high score! (May or may not also have been inspired by NESMania) The
one exception is Affordable Space Adventures; I don't got a Wii-U, sadly. So far, I've finished all of Knytt Stories and
almost all of FiNCK (including the extra worlds on both games). That would've been entirely done had I not found out recently...
...that there's apparently a 26th coin lurking off-screen in one of the Tutorial areas. Rather curious how anyone was supposed to know that (especially when trying to jump over an off-screen wall anywhere else just blocks you, and the coin counter only shows 2 instead of 3 max (25 instead of 26 total)) unless you peeked with the Editor or got REALLY lucky with messing around.
I decided to pop in and say hello to everyone, just because I think I've lurked a bit too much, and the forum could do with some more life!