I really like how the bushes and trees look. I like how the inside of them is softly blended, with a hard outer edge.
Same goes for the bricks in the building. They're softly colored with harder lines. The soft lighting also really complements it.
I didn't try the animated fountain out, but I've had enough experience with animation to tell that it flows well even from the still frames.
(Flows! Well! WATER PUNS, triple entendre!)
And Egomassive is right, you're being a bit too critical of yourself. This stuff is not bad at all. But being self critical isn't all bad; It shows that you are aware of your problems, and can see room for improvement. A lot of bad artists get stuck in a rut because they think their art is "too good" and doesn't need to improve, so they never strive for it. If you ask any really good artist, they will always say their stuff is crap! I don't know why, but the best artists are always super critical of themselves. Maybe that is their secret. They always see room for improvement. This is the driving force for improvement.
So just keep at it. I can tell already that you have the "artist" mentality, which means you have the potential to become really great.