[Challenge/Misc][Large][Hard][KS+] The World is Changing v1.0.2

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Thank you for your review. You are, I am afraid, completely right regarding this, as well as not the first to mention it.
As I explained, when I started this level, I was trying to do a small one which would be articficialy made bigger by making player go back to the town.
It is a bad level design.
Around that time, I started having a lot of spare time so the level grew much bigger than expected.
Following a similar comment, I changed the begining to remove this obligation to walk back to the village, as long as you do some exploration before going to the training.
If you visit the houses before walking right, you can get the golden creature.

I am still working on the level but I now have much less time on my hand.
I will completely change this first part so players are not giving up with frustration. I am not sure when it will happen though.

I hope you try and get past the first dungeon to see the rest as well.

thank you. and I didn't mean to come across as so angry or harsh. I was just frustrated after just playing the game. lol. sorry about that. I appreciate the effort of making the game though. I love KS. and I really like the egomass mod and haven't seen to many people take the effort of using it in their design.  so thanks again.


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Re: [Challenge/Misc][Large][Hard][KS+] The World is Changing v1.0.2
« Reply #46 on: February 12, 2013, 23:09:50 »
Just in time for the Epic KS Level Competition, I did a small update of the level to add the new custom umbrella offered with the latest version of KS+.


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Re: [Challenge/Misc][Large][Hard][KS+] The World is Changing v1.0.2
« Reply #47 on: February 13, 2013, 14:39:28 »
I agree with seattalite.  This level starts off way too hard, and it turns me off from wanting to play the rest of it.

It's okay to start Juni off with no powers. (I did so in my own level), but it needs to be made clear that if you have no powerups, the challenges (if there are any) should be more mild, unless it's the point of the entire level to go slowly.

Thing is though, that people typically do not like having to go slowly for very long, and pin-point accuracy on jumps is harder to attain when you can't run.

If you do not want to make this part easier, then reclassify your difficulty to 'Very Hard' at the least.  It definitely does not fit the bill of plain ol' Hard, at least going by how Nifflas handled the difficulty ratings.
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Re: [Challenge/Misc][Large][Hard][KS+] The World is Changing v1.0.2
« Reply #48 on: February 16, 2013, 18:07:16 »
Just stopped playing this level. I got through the undead temple, got all the feathers (and two creatures), got to the bridge where I need 5 gold coins. I went back to the undead temple to see if I missed somthing, and it "killed" me and made me a ghost again, with no powers. I'm not going through that again so I guess I'm stopping.

The good: Great first level! Your puzzles are good, and extremely difficult... I would put them on the upper end of "VERY HARD." It's clear you put a lot of work into this, and other than the one game-ending bug, I didn't see too many bugs throughout (no voids, no wall-floats).   

The bad: What everyone else has said, especially regarding the World of the Living. You need more save points... I think one every two screens is standard, especially if it involves a lot of running back and forth AND you don't get new power-ups to help out each time. It's extremely difficult, and sometimes it feels like its not my fault, but just waiting for random monsters/drips/whatever to just go my way. It wasn't really intuitive on what to do after getting all the feathers, I had to come to the forum to find the answer of going back to Juni.

Also, there seems to be a bug, perhaps with KS+, where going in between screens with the umbrella open, when there are a lot of "air-currents" on screen that there is a .25 second "lag" to load the screen. This normally doesn't seem like much, but a lot of the wind levels involve navigating between screens as one fluid entity, and a quarter second will throw off opening/closing the umbrella when you need to. This isn't your fault, but it does make the wind-room umbrella levels more frustrating. In the future, if using KS+, you should make sure that each screen represents one challenge, and going between screens doesn't require coordination.

Level design is a little bland. There were some levels in the Underworld that had no borders that would just kill you and there several where I wasn't sure which direction to go. Additionally, it the temple could use a little more depth... a little more flair to make it feel more like a setting, a temple and less like a random mario challenge world.

Re: [Challenge/Misc][Large][Hard][KS+] The World is Changing v1.0.2
« Reply #49 on: February 26, 2013, 15:59:55 »
There seems to be a problem with the path to the temple double jump - specifically, if you save on the path back then you are stuck forever, since the return journey is only possible with the double jump. Fortunately you can cheat.

I must agree with the previous reviews. I suggest playing through it and asking yourself whether you are having fun. A major problem is your underuse of save points. These should be placed so as to minimise the penalty for dying - having no save points for three rooms of challenges is adding difficulty, but having no save points for five rooms of filler beforehand is a way to make the player not want to play.

Edit: Hooray! The temple resets itself! I left, came back later and got trapped! Who wants another trip through that hellhole? Hint - not me! It would also be great if there was some slight hint about where the cats might be.

The level is definitely Very Hard with broken areas and bits of beyond-Lunatic difficulty. I've not encountered anything I can't do without cheating, but I have encountered a number of places where pixel-perfect jumping is required to cross a gap. In general, you should aim to make the player feel like they could win if they just tried a little harder, not to make the player feel that they need to get lucky or have absurd reaction times. Beating a challenge should be about skill, not about brute force.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 21:38:48 by Chrysophylax »
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Re: [Challenge/Misc][Large][Hard][KS+] The World is Changing v1.0.2
« Reply #50 on: March 01, 2013, 13:29:47 »
I would like to point out that my playthrough of this level has been documented in the form of a Let's Play. Hopefully, this fact is not as insignificant as I suspect it might be.

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Re: [Challenge/Misc][Large][Hard][KS+] The World is Changing v1.0.2
« Reply #51 on: March 01, 2013, 14:27:25 »
I would like to point out that my playthrough of this level has been documented in the form of a Let's Play. Hopefully, this fact is not as insignificant as I suspect it might be.


The real question is: how far did you get?


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Re: [Challenge/Misc][Large][Hard][KS+] The World is Changing v1.0.2
« Reply #52 on: March 01, 2013, 15:12:56 »
I would like to point out that my playthrough of this level has been documented in the form of a Let's Play. Hopefully, this fact is not as insignificant as I suspect it might be.


The real question is: how far did you get?

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Re: [Challenge/Misc][Large][Hard][KS+] The World is Changing v1.0.2
« Reply #53 on: March 08, 2013, 10:15:09 »
Sorry for not answering the questions. I have unfortunately no time at the moment for KS.
I'll take your feedback into account and correct the errors pointed out as soon as possible.
Thank you for your feedbacks.

Re: [Challenge/Misc][Large][Hard][KS+] The World is Changing v1.0.2
« Reply #54 on: May 17, 2013, 00:59:20 »
hey toenail,

just wanted to let you know that i've discovered 4 Endings yet (without any kind of cheating) and till now everything worked pretty well. It sure is by far the hardest KS game that I've played but its very diversified and i like it. Maybe you could think of not using that many randomly shooting monsters because they can be very annoying. But the extreme timing/coordination-challenges and the mysteries are very nice (btw. i'm using a gamepad with xPadder  ;) )
I'm a bit stuck at the moment (currently trying to find more coins or the hologram-thing), but not about to give up yet.
sry for the bad english (I'm german..) and thank you for this epically long knytt story!


P.S. Hello Everyone, this is my first post; knytt is great!; cheers!


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Re: [Challenge/Misc][Large][Hard][KS+] The World is Changing v1.0.2
« Reply #55 on: September 07, 2013, 18:32:53 »
I can't find the fifth and sixth cat.

EDIT: But I must say that it's very nice so far. Gives a :hiddenstar:
« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 16:01:20 by juhj »
image removed, became invalid
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