Just finished it, thought it was fine.
I liked the humour, even though the only part that made me smile was in the beggining where you try to tell the history of that place in 5 seconds :P
The first house I found that I could come in, I couldn't get ouy, I don't think there was a dor shift there, my only option was to go to the cutscene in there.
About the cutscenes, if you want to take care of that "jumping" business and the white areas, here is my suggestion, if you use Photoshop (but may apply to other editors):
Open a gradient file, so you have the correct dimensions. Then take a screenshot of the game (that seems to be how you did it, and suggestion, ALT+prt sc gives you a screenshot of that window only) and zoom in to the corner, to fit the screenshot there perfectly. But don't crop it, leave the full screenshot there, only the area you want will be visible. Then, for the next screenshots, as long as you take them from the same window, it should be a lot easier to make the screenshot fit there, as photoshop as a "snap" option (View - Snap), so it should make it easier that way.
This obviously only applies if you want to make cutscenes out of screenshots, which is also what I do as I can't draw