I CAN'T make warp and flags !!!!!! Please help me!! (crying)

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Offline maxcli

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I've already searched for topics related to warp and flags but still I don't get it....

I want to make a warp, to say screenx1002 - > screenx1002y997

So I put that yellow box(system, 20) on the screen of x1002y1002.
then I open the KSM and slect "up" and I typed the numbers in to the blank of "target".
and clicked "save". Finally, Ctrl + S, and tested the level.

but it just wouldn't work!!!!!
All the thing I see is falling juni.......... into that endless purple screens.........

What's the problem? Please help me....


Offline egomassive

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Re: I CAN'T make warp and flags !!!!!! Please help me!! (crying)
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2011, 19:48:19 »
If I remember correctly, the Manager has a bug in it related to warps. To confirm if this is your problem, after entering your values in Warp Up click the Warp Down bullet then back to Warp Up. If your entries are lost, then you're experiencing the bug. The most reliable solution to this problem is to open the World.ini and edit it by hand. The code should read...
Code: [Select]

I'm also wondering if you are entering the right instructions. Warp Up only affects you when exiting the top of the screen. If you fall continuously after exiting the top then you must be warped to the wrong coordinates.


Offline maxcli

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Thank you!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2011, 04:30:54 »
You saved my lif.....I mean, my game! :)

Thanks a lot! now I'm happy again :)