It's quite an undertaking for me to actually finish a Knytt level, but this one has promise!
It is a level with very stylized custom graphics (possibly dull at times), all custom music, and a creepy and hopefully shiver-inducing atmosphere.
Actually, all the music is already done
and on Youtube, so : Premise:
In this world many things are less than ideal. But why do we settle for what we cannot stand? Some things may never change. On the other hand, some things can be changed quite easily. With only a minimal amount of luck some great changes can be made instantly.
Out of love? Let's hope you pick the Two of Hearts!
Or how about just another good friend? Well, then let's hope its the Ten of Petals!
Feeling under the weather? That's what the One of Spades is for!
Would you like to know more about the universe? There's infinite wisdom waiting for you in the Eight of Moons.
But, there are risks, of course...
Pick the One of Hearts, and you will be alone forever.
The One of Petals will leave you hated by all.
The Ten of Spades will kill you off.
The Three of Moons will drive you mad.
And there is always the Decagram. Out of the 111 cards, the single Decagram has the potential to do anything.
Good or bad.
Care to pick a card?