WARNING: This level was made specifically for those moments where you'd normally start playing Solitaire because you don't have anything else to do. If you're looking for an actual attempt at level design, go play a different level. And besides, KS died off in 2012 apparently it didn't.Dodging projectiles in video games, as we all know, is kinda fun.
Like this! That game is fun, right? And that particular boss battle is the best thing ever, right? Right?
Riiiiiiight?So on the school bus, out of boredom, i decided to make a short little "level" with a lot of projectiles to dodge, like a more difficult
Jumpin' n' Stuff. I wanted to have as much projectiles on the screen as i could, while avoiding having too many. What happened? I had too many, and... just play it. You'll see.
This is a download link. You know, a link for downloading things.Screenshots will not be given, as not knowing what to expect is part of what makes it so nice-ish. Kinda like that level where you don't eat the mushroom. (What was it called again?)
Credits:Level design by
frigging Santa Claus. How many people do you know that would do
this?Tileset by egomassive, whose ego may or may not be massive. You can get it
here. Not
here here, but where it takes you when you click the link.
Gradient by the same person with the same ego. You can also get it "here".
Music is
Necrofantastica by some guy named Azure, taken directly from Another World's Chaos, a game he's working on.
This post needs more italics. Also, another quick little warning: If you think of this as an actual challenge, you're screwed.