My recommendation is that you get
nlite and create your own customized XP installation CD (and yes, this is actually legal). Don't forget to enable the uxtheme patch option in nlite - that will allow non-microsoft-approved themes to run (same result as eceva's suggestion).
That way, you can get a very clean XP without components you don't need, and nice looks without having to install any new software on it (e.g. windows blinds).
When it comes to the start menu, a lot of people switch to the Classic one as quickly as they can, because it's better. This is not true at all, the new XP start menu is just a bit misunderstood. Sure, it's horrible by default, but never forget how customizable it is.
My recommendations:
* Set the icon size to small
* Set the number of programs on the start menu to 0
* Turn off "highlight newly installed programs" (you usually know what you install)
* Disable Favorites
* Show my computer & control panel as a menu
* Disable all the "my documents / my music" stuff if you don't use them.
* Disable "Scroll Programs"
* Disable "Search" if you're using a better search tool.
Don't forget to drop software you commonly used where the "recently used software" used to be. Now the start menu will look something like in the picture below (erm, if you use the
WaalVS visual style that is). It's very functional! The start menu is also the only place where the recycle bin is visible (It's hidden from the desktop), but to empty it I still only need to right click the icon even though it's in the start menu. This way, I can keep the desktop completely empty (if something is there, it means that it's a file I have downloaded and not put into my organized directory structure).