This time, I wanted to make a song that progresses as it goes. My other DS-10 songs all have some form of repetition where patterns are being reused.
This time, I also wanted to do something different than usual. Not just record my DS playing the song, but actually enhance the experience. To do that, I did two things. I used a visualisation called Rabbit Hole in XMPlay while playing the mp3 version and recorded that, and I tried out the new 720p format. It was a challenge though. My pc really didn't liked the idea of working hard to record on HD quality. You can see it a little bit. Done alot of things and tried alot of settings to get the result you have now.
I included the bass sound because I'm really pleased with it. I didn't included schemes from the other sounds (nor will I do so seperatelly) because they're kind of the same as what you already can find in my other songs. The lead sounds that change are actually the same sound, just changed the resonanse settings per pattern. I did found a bug in the game while making this song though. The bassdrum in this song basically has every setting on max. Every time I load this song, I have to edit the bassdrum, listen it play 4 times before it sounds as I want to. I don't actually have to make changes. Due to this, I didn't included the bassdrum in my movie as image.
I hope you enjoy the song as much as I do.
Be sure to check the youtube version: an MP3 version here: are really appreciated (and if you have a youtube, I wouldn't mind you rating it 5 stars either