I've finished it now. It's pretty good. As I was reading it, I felt a little overwhelmed by the quantity of fanciful side tracks and general silliness, but they did a very good job at obscuring the important bits that would later play a role in the plot. That is a major accomplishment in a short story. Most plots are so transparent I've had to develop something akin to suspension-of-disbelief. I call it suspension-of-critical-thinking.
I think the way you describe people's reactions could use a little more variety. Smiles shouldn't play across people's lips so often. I suggest focusing more on the meaning interpreted by the viewer of the expression rather than on facial movements.
One thing that tore me right out of the story was when Rilly stretched and exposed her mid-riff. I realized I had no idea what she was wearing, and then I realized there was barely any description of her at all. Brown hair, innocent eyes, and pretty is all there was up to that point, if I recall correctly. It was also jarring much much later to discover her eyes were blue. Her eyes were in the story so many times; tearing up, going wide. I'd been imagining brown eyes to go with her hair the whole time.