I've been a fan and player of Knytt from the first days (in fact when 'registering' just now found out I'd obviously done so many moons ago).
I just wanted to properly post to say I found Knytt Underground on Steam last week and oh my days.
It is such a wonderful and deep and beautiful game. I'm playing it with my headphones on as my four year old daughter is sleeping next door and I cannot WAIT for her to be old enough to play KU. The characters are the strongest and most driven array of characters in any game I've played and when she gets old enough to understand the beauty of swearing I'm going to sit her down and let her loose.
Luckily, obviously, I can rear her on the original Knytts while I wait.
Well done Nifflas, it is absolutely superb and such a rewarding, long and deep experience (and I feel like I still have so much to go too!).
Many many thanks...