A wordy and confusing thank you for making this game

  • 2 Replies
A wordy and confusing thank you for making this game
« on: January 19, 2014, 20:47:37 »
Hello, sorry if a post about what I love about this game is a bit spammy, but I just couldn't help myself. :)

I don't know how or when it happened, but at some point in my childhood I came upon Knytt Stories, and it has ever since had a huge impact on me, I think. I spent many hours wandering through huge creations, sometimes for challenge, sometimes just to see and hear everything.

So of course I expected this much from Knytt Underground. Beautiful and strange places to explore, ambiance and music to stop me for a moment to just listen, loads of secrets. What I really wasn't expecting was for the world to feel so...alive, I guess. Many of the characters feel almost real. Knytt Stories was often a very solitary experience, and Knytt Underground is as well at many times, but many characters within the game don't just seem like 1-dimensional beings there to give you clues or whatever. They have actual personality and multiple emotions, which can show with some that you only get a couple bits of dialogue from. And I can just feel that there are so many opinions and misconceptions and problems and worries and hopes and...

What I might be getting at is that the world is very well done, and feels realistic for its fantastical inhabitants and locations. So before I start disliking this post too much, I'll end it here.

Thanks for continuing to make amazing games, Nifflas. :)


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Re: A wordy and confusing thank you for making this game
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2014, 21:45:47 »
Hi! Thank you for writing this! I'm really happy to hear you like the game and characters! I worked hard on the characters and story, and even though it's quite quirky and not everybody's piece of cake, it always makes me glad when I find out about people who do :)

Re: A wordy and confusing thank you for making this game
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2014, 04:51:08 »
Heh, no problem. I wasn't really sure how I felt about the game at first, mostly because I was feeling a bit of nostalgia for the sleek pixel art of older games, but after I got past that I really started enjoying the game.

I think the biggest problem would be for people trying to play the game as though it was just about reaching the end, and perhaps overlooking the everything in between. I feel I've been doing that recently, so playing Knytt Underground has been good for me. :P