2.) Nice catch on the second bug there. Most enemies that attack when they detect Juni kill by touch, but the
elementals simply activate the death routine. The inclusion of Triggers has opened the door to this unexpected issue, but I wouldn't necessarily consider it a bug. You, as a level designer, have the power to avoid the issue or exploit it for cheap deaths.
1.) After teleporting Juni is invulnerable for a few frames. This invulnerability is built into the death routine. Most threats would kill Juni anyway since she'll probably still be touching them, but since the elementals call the death routine directly she avoids death. Again, I wouldn't consider this a bug. Just like wall swimming, it is the designer's job to avoid these kinds of problems.
Other interesting facts about elementals:
- They will not kill Juni if she is close enough to the screen's edge, 18 pixels from her center.
- The kill zone follows the equation: (X distance + Y distance) < 67, which creates a diamond shape.