What gaming does to your brain [youtube]

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What gaming does to your brain [youtube]
« on: January 21, 2013, 00:17:51 »
Today, I actually found the following youtube video.

Since this is a games forum and I got pretty inspired from watching the video, I want to share it with you.

Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FktsFcooIG8 (18 minutes)

Enjoy :)
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Re: What gaming does to your brain [youtube]
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 05:42:43 »
Interesting, thanks for sharing :)


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Re: What gaming does to your brain [youtube]
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2013, 06:59:24 »
One of the tests she ran on the audience was featured in Brain Age for GBA. That's "game" was broccolate. It told me I had the brain of an 80 year old!


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Re: What gaming does to your brain [youtube]
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2013, 07:36:20 »
One of the tests she ran on the audience was featured in Brain Age for GBA. That's "game" was broccolate. It told me I had the brain of an 80 year old!

I assume you meant Brain Age for DS. Yeah, the "Stroop Test" was in that game, but voice recognition (at least in the English version) was pretty poor, so I always said I couldn't speak aloud and was given other more accurate tests.
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Re: What gaming does to your brain [youtube]
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2013, 09:24:58 »
Ah yeah. I have that game too. Honestly I think that game is not that accurate. Its a game and it gives information to motivate you to do better, not necessarily being able to give a good answer.

Anyway, back to the topic. :)
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Re: What gaming does to your brain [youtube]
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2013, 17:03:32 »
Sorry, I thought it was topical. I realized it was a DS game after I posted. It just proves I am feeble minded. I guess I ought to go shoot some zombies. :P

*feebly thinks of something more topical to say*

I was skeptical of her shape rotation results. Just encountering a test like that, having time to think about it, and retaking the test should improve your score. I'd expect she had a control group who did not play video games between tests, but she never mention it. Much of this could be chicken-and-the-egg. Are they better at the tests because they play video games, or do they play video games because they're the sort who would do well in these tests?

Furthermore, I don't think she gives video games enough credit. Her tests only look at simple brain performance measurements. Video games teach the higher brain functions too. Puzzle solving, problem solving, and resource management appear in most games in one form or another. Most importantly, gamers learn zombie apocalypse survival skills. I want to see a lecture on the results of a study measuring that.


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Re: What gaming does to your brain [youtube]
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2013, 17:10:05 »
Well, the entire idea behind this video is that video games are not negative, as has been proclaimed by some. And this is just a small excerpt from the knowledge she has. Don't forget that they do not have that much time on a TED talks video. They have to fill a certain amount of time.
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Re: What gaming does to your brain [youtube]
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2013, 13:18:27 »
Similar subject was being discussed at yahoo answers last week. I can post the link if needed.
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Re: What gaming does to your brain [youtube]
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2013, 15:44:59 »
Similar subject was being discussed at yahoo answers last week. I can post the link if needed.

Sure that would be nice.
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"If I tried to kill you, I'd end up with a big fat hole through my laptop." - Chironex