Hey there.
For several reasons I'm not able to knytt anymore and my level 'Bitter Liver' has been unfinished for many months. I just thought of it, played through it again, and realised that it will never get finished. I just don't have the time anymore and I'm busy with many other things.
But since I did work quite hard on it for a while, I decided to release what I got. So unfortunately it will just end abruptly. Some of you might know the part at the end. I already released that as part of a leveling competition at some point. It was called 'Melanchoholia'.
Some people didn't like how the path wasn't always clear. If you are one of those then be warned, because there's more of that here
. Keep in mind that this is quite an abstract level, consisting of several sections. The objective always is to find the grammophone to reach or unlock the door, which leads to the next section. Also there are some placeholder graphics. I never quite figured out how to make them better
Sound is very important. The story is told without words. Also there's some World War I era music. No copyright needed
Take a look at the screenshots from the preview thread. Get it here.