Thanks for the feedback people.
@egomassive, I know about the things with the flags, originally it was gonna be a flag that triggered once you completed some quests, but for the sake of this test I placed a key there instead and had that unlock it. Also, fixed the overlay settings completely forgot about those two rooms. (too used to settings copying as well as the tiles in other programs, cause in KS only the level copies and not the settings along with it, which is perfectly fine and makes sense). Also changed the shift / trigger types, didn't even know about that hehe.
@Widget As above, it's not supposed to be a key, it's supposed to magically open as the key's not even supposed to be there. As for the clouds I'm thinking about how to fix that.
Also, one of the main signs (not an animal) tells you that you can talk to animals iirc. Also corrected the sign text.
Edit: didn't notice the first one spoke, fixed that.
In general about the 2 way ledges, I'll try and look for a better one or shift the positioning of it so that it looks right. Anyways, thanks again for the feedback and I should be posting another update in a few days.
Till then
- Xyen Out
Oh also, I'll be using some of the ambient tracks from
HERE and
HERE, that I created a while ago.