I'm trying to create a small gallery on my new website where you can click on a thumbnail and this will open a fixed-size window in which the full image will be displayed. How do I do that? I've been trying it in Dreamweaver, but the result doesn't seem to work in either of my browsers, even when I disable the pop-up blockers and so on. The code Dreamwaver gave me looks like this:
<a href="img/harbour.png"><img src="img/harbour_thumb.png" alt="harbour thumbnail" border="0" onload="MM_openBrWindow('img/harbour.png','harbour','width=592,height=232')" /></a>
Is there something wrong with that code? Any tips what I could change to make this work?
ETA: Never mind, I think I found the problem.
ETA2: Actually... I found out how to make the little pop-up window appear. However, for some reason there is *also* a full-size new browser tab that appears at the same time. Any idea why *that* happens? o.O
ETA3: Okay, now I *have* found and solved the problem. :-)