My first attempt at making a level. This is a condensed version of what I originally had planned - such as optional
paths varying in difficulty depending on which key you've found. (Yellow key being the regular path and the only one featured now.) The blue and red key can still be found even though the optional paths are blocked. I left them in the level - they're hidden well! If a few people have interest in this I may go ahead and expand it into what I originally intended. Rooms are simplistic but still provide decent challenge IMO. Anywho, on with some details:
Juni, having been knocked unconscious by an unknown attacker, awakens in a new world and sets out to explore for answers.
And around here, it's not normal for the sun to be out. The moon has always been Cecil's light for centuries ever since the sun was sealed into the Goddess Statue underground due to it's harsh side effects it causes to the people of Cecil.
But soon it's discovered that a mysterious figure is attempting to awaken the corrupt sun from an underground stronghold in a quest for power. The fuel for the machine to harness the sun's power? The community of Cecil.
Download: feedback and constructive criticism is appreciated. Also, if someone finds this more difficult/easier than Hard, let me know.