I apologize for that. I no longer support KSA personally, and I actually don't even have it on my current harddrive. If someone has it and wants to provide it, then by all means.. In the meantime I will look around my backups and edit this post when I have more information. Thanks for the interest in it, though.
EDIT: It has been found, and LPChip has kindly offered to host it for the sake of supporting levels that used it. He should have a link later. Thanks LPChip!
Don't worry about it. I just found ver 1.7. If you got beyond that it might be a curiosity. I found that the benefits (don't actually remember) and the drawbacks (slower on my computer) about cancelled each other out and I could do just about everything with the original with some creative combining of features. I have enjoyed your levels, though, and just became aware of KnyttWADF looking at your tag line. It's a rich culture, this Knytt thing.