I'm trying to play Chezzy's "Kavez", the difficulty of which is given as "normal" - yet for the past I-don't-know-how-many-weeks I've been failing to do a jump that seems to be necessary at this point. Usually I cheat rather than try and fail for weeks to do the same jump again and again, but there's something about this jump that says to me, "c'mon, you *should* be able to do this!" So I try. And try again. And again. And again. I've actually managed it twice (in, at a guess, a couple hundred tries or so), but since the next save point comes only after another deadly trap I've never actually reached the next savepoint before dying again, and being sent back to the one before the Jump From Hell. ARRGH!!!
Okay. Here's what powerups I have: run, climb, high-jump.
See attached image for the jump I can't seem to manage.