Hey guys, I'm new here
. About the level, I thought some of the challenges were nice and original (like the ninja's, they are so harmless on their own!). But then at the end, you get the powerups, right, you go back to check for secrets, and (yay) theres a secret passage which brings you to more powerups, and yet they have no use in the level (plus theres a wallswim/void
)! In the end the only new powerup you needed (out of six!) was the climb, and it would have been nice to make something out of the secret. This made the level feel a bit like a beta, unfortunately. I'm not a level-maker myself, but I think this is still half-finshed
. It had I nice linear feeling though, and with a few more screens i think it would be great
. Oh and two endings (of which one is secret/original/weird) is a must! Hope you finish this one off!