@GrayFace: Beautiful tileset, yes, but hard to build from. But people liking it made it worthy.
@ SC: "Official" reason for having no ambiance or music in Fishy is that Juni is underwater and thus can't really hear anything. Real reason, of course, is that I was too lazy to look for some free underwater ambiance like singing whales or something.
Yeah, that shaft is much harder than the rest of level and should have longer segments without spikes.
I am actually thinking about some larger level with this tileset (or some variation of it).
@ Comhon: There were originally some enemies in Fishy, but I decided to get rid of them just for this reason and make it purely enviromental, so confusing visuals won't be such problem. Colour palette in Red plants is more of a Nifflas' merit than mine, I merely used his tileset.