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Messages - metamorphosis

Pages: [1] 2
Knytt Underground / Re: Game lost me in the first 3 minutes
« on: March 13, 2013, 10:55:32 »
I didn't particularly mind the intro being made that way, especially since it isn't used again in the main part of the game. I guess Nifflas wanted to set the tone of the story as not too serious from the start to avoid sounding too pretentious.

I think that's valid - I'm glad it's not repeated a lot in the game. I guess sword and sworcery's complete annihilation of mood just made me go 'oh god not this again' and drop it.

It worked well in Sword & Sworcery and didn't distract from the immersiveness at all. I feel that it's right for Knytt Underground too, especially since so many of the stories in the game connects to my own life. I can of course not design a game so that everybody will like it, but then, I don't feel that I have to either. At least I wrote the story the way I wanted it to be.

I think that's right and I think you should design the game the way you want. I utterly disagree with you about sword and sworcery - I think it was the worst waste of brilliant atmosphere and music that I've come across, in my lifetime - but everybody's brain (and game) is different.
To be clear, I've liked all of your previous games (bar Saira- wasn't my cup of tea). I think part of what I liked about some of them is they left the space in between the text tell the story. There was a short, glib smash of text right at the start, just to give a vague worldview, but the sheer bulk of weight was behind what filled that space.
Anyway, my 2c.

With the comment as bare as it is, it just comes off as a flat-out insult to the creator and it's fans.   :(

Utter rubbish. The author I can understand, but the fans - I opened it up for discussion. If you're pissed with that, you'll get pissed with anything. Cultural bluntness is relative I feel.

Knytt Underground / Game lost me in the first 3 minutes
« on: March 13, 2013, 04:30:40 »
I think the game looks and sounds great, but the postmodern hur hur we know it's a game and here's the creator thing pissed me off. If there's one easy way to break immersion the moment you walk into a game - that's it. Otherwise looked quite splendid.
Unfortunately Sword and Sworcery did the same thing, turning what should've been a beautiful experience into something cheap.

Pre-release topics / Re: The amazing topic of profanity :)
« on: November 18, 2012, 06:32:50 »
I'm not sure I wanna make words up, it works a bit better when spoken than written. Sod is a bit tricky, in a situation where a character gets totally upset and want to scream out "FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!" it's kinda hard with "sod".

I personally find 'CRAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!' works well as a replacement, and is funnier to boot.

Knytt / Re: New Knytt mod: Brutally Unfair Knytt
« on: June 26, 2011, 12:23:18 »
Oh Nifflas. *sniff* You beautiful, beaufitul man.
This is a beautiful, colourful renditiono of a game I thought I wouldn't end up playing again. And the randoms just add to funs.
Thank you so much.

Other Free Games / [Horror/Platformer] AOOFAD & Au Sable
« on: March 15, 2011, 13:49:44 »
If goth poetry came alive, it would look and play like this.
Viscerally horrible, and beautiful/freaksome.
Best music/sound I've seen in indie gaming.

Not for faint of heart.

Both games here:

I recommend playing All of our friends are Dead first.
The author had nightmares and basically used them as inspiration to write these games-


Au Sable...

Other Free Games / Re: [Environmental/Puzzle-Platformer] Eversion
« on: March 15, 2011, 13:39:25 »
I just beat it. With all the gems. Now could someone please explain the ending?

Spoiler: (click to show/hide)
You have to find an eversion point :)

Great game, just finished it.
Reminds me of Au Sable & AAOFAD - also both great games...

Other Free Games / Re: [Platformer] Akuji the Demon
« on: March 14, 2011, 11:15:34 »
Loved the game. Didn't find the controls particularly sticky or annoying.
Definitely play the translated version.
Way fucken funny.

Other Free Games / Re: [Acton-Adventure/Platformer] Cave Story
« on: March 14, 2011, 11:02:30 »
Has anyone completed
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

I really like this game's atmosphere.. It felt very official, if that makes sense.

I felt like a god after finishing it.

Other Free Games / Re: e7: Moody action physical platformer
« on: March 14, 2011, 11:01:01 »
I remember this game: pretty solid and with a nice atmosphere, although I found some parts to be a little hard to go through because of the controls.

The wall-climbing sections are particularly difficult to figure out, but if you basically don't push left and right, and wait for yourself to roll into the curve, you climb pretty quick.

Other Free Games / e7: Moody action physical platformer
« on: March 13, 2011, 10:55:49 »

If you have flashblock it's downloadable.

Wonderful little platformer, atmospheric, physics-oriented but not in a stupid way, graphics very reminiscent of Nightsky or Knytt.

Proper review:

NightSky / Re: Minor bug, mega review
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:06:29 »
Minor bug:
The first star in perpetuum factory cannot be reached if you do not play into that level from  the previous level, as you powers (speed up/slow down) will not be available.

Your powers are different per level, and each star is reachable. Are you sure you're doing it the right way?

Read what I wrote again.
If you play through the previous level and enter the star level through that level, you will have access to your powers. If you don't, you won't.
I'm not a retard.

[EDIT: I played through before going back to get the stars. At this point the powers were not available in said level without playing through from previous. Having now collected all stars, powers are available from scratch in said level - however, I don't know whether this is a flag being accidentally set from another level, or a glitch]

NightSky / Minor bug, mega review
« on: March 05, 2011, 06:40:16 »
Minor bug:
The first star in perpetuum factory cannot be reached if you do not play into that level from  the previous level, as you powers (speed up/slow down) will not be available.

Mega review:
Good game, nice graphics, felt more technical than exploratory which is not really what you want for an atmospheric game like that. The gameplay was nice and felt balanced, where you could actually solve the whole game without thinking TOO hard, and there were genuinely various methods you could use to solve or fluke each puzzle. I liked that - it wasn't a 'one right answer' type of game, and the physics enabled that...
music beautiful,
'plotline' felt tacked on and a little transperant, particularly the end sequence, which while prettyjust felt ridiculous. Otherwise a great game. Enjoyed thoroughly.

NightSky / Re: Steam version
« on: March 01, 2011, 12:56:34 »
To get something on steam you have to be able to integrate the steamworks stuff into the code. You can't do that with MMF AFAIK. Therefore it'd have to be in C++ or other 'languaged' form (ie. post port to wiiware) before it'd be viable, even if steam wanted it (and they have a lot of control).

For those who haven't heard about the tragedy:

I now have three albums available for donation/free(enter $0 to get free):

Poprocktictacs - A 14-song pop/rock/folky album including the incredibly cheesy but well-meaning song I wrote for the Feb 2011 earthquake victims, "Hang in there". Plenty of lilting guitars & plaintive vocals.

Soul by XOlve - A 16-song retro-electronica album with no vocals but plenty of WTF. References include NiN & Uziq.

Songs to go to Sleep to by One Fatal Punch - A 16-song aggressive-industrial/alternative-rock album with plenty of AARG and rage, shades of Nine Inch Nails & KMFDM.

All proceeds go to the Red Cross Christchurch Earthquake 2011 relief fund.

Listen and enjoy, or download.
I have only one thing to ask if you get any of the albums for free, if you end up liking it, consider a donation to the red cross at the above link.

NightSky / Re: Nightsky History
« on: February 24, 2011, 00:31:52 »
Wait, it's not already written in C++? What the hell did they write it in then, if it functions on both Wii and PC?

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