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Messages - Rainbow_Lemon

Pages: [1]
Uurnog / Re: Made an Uurnog mod.
« on: July 16, 2017, 07:28:47 »
This sounds like an awesome mod! The idea of collecting for any of the village shops sounds epic and will create all kinds of weird ways of finishing the game. I do a lot of speedrunning so I look forward to seeing what the best way would be to get 5 shops open as fast as possible. Thanks for making this!

Uurnog / Re: Empty Pockets Challenge
« on: July 11, 2017, 07:19:43 »
I somehow completely missed the hyperlink in your post! I'm watching your run now and it's really cool  :D I know the pain of having a shooting creature go rogue in the save room (tOO MANY TIMES). I wish I'd made the rules clearer from the start cos you were on a great run up until you shot the gem!

I did a speedrun of this challenge and I completely forgot about the white shooting creature in the P building! If you watch you'll see why haha. Next time I do a run I'm definitely gonna get it from there. I wanna do a slower run that is efficient in terms of rooms visited, cos I feel that such a run may be quite different from a run that's efficient for time.

It was an absolute nightmare to do because dying before the Zoo ending not only meant losing time but depending on how I died, often meant losing animals too. I don't think I'll be trying too hard to do this one again cos as a speedrun it's a goddamn nightmare xD

Knytt Underground / Re: Chapter 3 No Disorder Speedrun
« on: July 10, 2017, 10:57:40 »
I'm watching your run now and it's absolutely astonishing how good this is. Have you submitted it to I've put a link to this thread in my knytt videos cos damn, friend, you are a total badass! I'm really glad my run made you consider doing one of your own! That's exactly what I was hoping for and it makes me so happy to see not only another run but also one so different from mine. I can't wait to get right back to practicing Underground and seeing if there's any way to get the completion time down even further!

Uurnog / Re: Empty Pockets Challenge
« on: July 08, 2017, 08:41:13 »
oh man I've been in that position too many times to count xD

The rules are that you can't obtain any money, but if you do accidentally obtain money, then just don't spend it and it'll be okay ;P

EDIT: scratch that, it seems unreasonable to ask people not to shoot that gem when it's clearly the best solution, so i'll change it to you can't SPEND any money.

Uurnog / Empty Pockets Challenge
« on: July 06, 2017, 18:48:09 »
The challenges on here are really exciting, and they got me wanting to try and think up one of my own. So I give you this: the empty pockets challenge!

EDIT: changed the rules so that you have to complete BOTH endings, and made it so you can obtain but not SPEND money.

The challenge is to complete both endings without using the inventory or the inventory book in any way and without spending any money during the course of the run, though you may obtain it by, for example, using the green gun to remove a gem in your way. Also, you may only use one master key.

The idea with this challenge is to find the most effective way to amass the required stuff without visiting shops. The less doors you unlock, the less areas you visit, the better. This isn't part of the rules, but I think it'll be a lot more fun as a challenge if you think of it that way.

I'm gonna make a video of me doing this run in case anyone wants to see how I'd do it, but I don't think it'll be difficult to complete. The real difficulty is in finding the most efficient and/or interesting solution to this problem! For although playing through the whole game methodically would indeed be a solution, it would definitely be the slowest. I like how The Village Is Lava forces you to kind of play around the game, and I wanted to see if there was a way of doing that kind of thing that didn't involve farming the master key repeatedly. Hopefully this can turn out interesting too!

Uurnog / Re: Uurnog Speedruns
« on: July 06, 2017, 18:30:43 »
I wondered if that might be the case, and it is! The run I uploaded today was a whole 3 minutes faster. It inspired me to think up another challenge like the ones you guys already have (and that I'm gonna speedrun next) that should hopefully be fun to do both at a relaxed pace AND fast.

Uurnog / Re: Uurnog Speedruns
« on: July 01, 2017, 20:06:49 »
I've added your challenge (they're all in Miscellaneous so that we can keep adding more)! I look forward to trying my hand at it after I've improved my vanilla Zoo ending run (thanks for the advice btw)!

Uurnog / Re: Uurnog Speedruns
« on: July 01, 2017, 13:48:23 »
The video doesn't seem to have framerate drops when I play it back, and I certainly didn't experience frame drops while doing the run myself. I don't know why it's doing that for you but that does sound like a pain in the butt.

I'm not sure I agree with you that the master key room would be so useful that my entire run is forfeit, but I do agree that it would have saved me a visit to E, which naturally would save a minute or so. I actually did the run before I learned of the master key room, but even knowing what I do now, I'd only go to it once. That's because you need to collect the animals anyway, which naturally entails visiting many locations.

That said, I'd genuinely enjoy seeing you cut my time in half using the strategies you describe here! That's the joy of this game, and is exactly why I didn't wait till I had a good run to request the page be made on (you have to request them by submitting a run, you see). I'd much rather people think my run slow and overcome it than think my run too good to be beat.

I'm sorry I didn't include your challenge on the page. I wanted to, but I didn't fully understand the rules, and wasn't sure if people had figured out how to do it yet. If you're happy to clarify the rules for me here then I'd be happy to include it on the site though   C)

Knytt Underground / Re: Easy teleport + 100% routing
« on: July 01, 2017, 09:17:51 »
One way to make 100% more manageable would be to say you need to get 100% of all possibly obtainable items AND achieve the secret ending. The inventory is easily measurable, clearly defined, and combined with the secret ending condition, it would require you to explore every part of the game thoroughly without demanding you literally do a true 100% of everything playable in the game.

Knytt Underground / Chapter 3 No Disorder Speedrun
« on: July 01, 2017, 09:14:22 »
Hey guys! I've been a lurker around here for a while, but recently I did a Knytt Underground and then also an Uurnog speedrun, so I wanted to share the Knytt Underground one here for anyone interested.

Some of you may be familiar with the any% runs on that use the disorder (

Well, I decided to do one of Chapter 3 WITHOUT the disorder, to see how the routing turned out. Well let me just say now: the routing turned out to be very exciting indeed, making liberal use of Utopioca as well as two secret shortcuts (proper secrets). Although I've owned the game for around 5 years and fully finished it twice, I still was nowhere close to memorising where all the items are. So I relied heavily on this incredible map:[walkthrough]/2/

Here's a very poorly drawn illustration (drawn on top of the in-game map) of the exact route i took:

And for anyone interested in the run:

I make a LOT of small mistakes, including one bigger one in the middle of the run, but it still turned out to be my best time (and it took a good 20 resets so I was absolutely determined not to reset again  :P2)

I get 4 Flowers, 4 Stones, 4 Artifacts and 2 Glyphs throughout the run, as well as 10 coins. There are a few 'tricks' where I do things in a weird order, but in my opinion the best way to save time is just to be efficient with your movement in general. Smooth movement saves far more than even the best trick, it seems.

I think there's a lot of potential in this category, so I hope someday someone decides to come along and beat my (not even very good) time!

Uurnog / Uurnog Speedruns
« on: July 01, 2017, 08:57:54 »
Hey guys, I've been a lurker around here for a while, but recently I got into speedrunning and hoo boy, Uurnog is a gold mine for this kinda stuff in my opinion.

I'm posting here to say I've set up a page for anyone who wants to do any of the challenges suggested in this forum at speed: (I've given credit in the category descriptions to the posters who suggested the challenges but if I've got the names wrong anywhere, please let me know)

For those unfamiliar with, it's basically a huge collection of game leaderboards where people post their best times in various games (with each game having various categories that people run).

I myself just yesterday had a try at routing and running a Zoo Ending speedrun. I made a lot of little mistakes, including going for the L key too early, but overall I think the route is pretty decent. I look forward to someone proving me wrong though!

Because my request for an Uurnog page was approved just this morning, my run is the only one on there right now, but I check the page every day so if anyone wanted to submit a time for an Uurnog run of any sort, please do go ahead and I'll get it up on the leaderboard ASAP. The page links back to this forum as well, so if anyone happens upon the game in the future they'll be directed to all the cool discussions going on here.

For anyone interested, here's my Zoo Ending run:

EDIT: My updated, far far superior run (5mins faster) here:

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